Chapter 235 I Hope You Could Get More Love


The chauffeur bought breakfast for Mu Zhi. It was youtiao and soybean curd. “The motel doesn’t provide breakfast, I bought these from the village. I chose the cleanest one I could find, I hope it doesn’t bother you, madam.”

“I’m fine, thanks.”

Mu Zhi expressed her gratitude. She sat in the yard to enjoy breakfast with the chauffeur when he said casually, “In case you get frightened again, I’ve spoken to some of the villagers. Some of the older folks have heard of the name Mu Xue. I’ve also asked about your father, Mu Xianyong. Both of your parents left the village a long time ago, so I couldn’t find much information about them.”

Taking a bite at the youtiao, Mu Zhi was disheartened to hear the news.

“Has anyone seen how my father looks like?”

The chauffeur shook his head.

“This is a rural village. I heard that the only doctor who worked here got leprosy. None of the students who left for university studies was willing to return to this village, and as a result, the average age in the village is much older than the city.”


By the sound of his words, it was almost impossible to find any clue at all.

All Mu Zhi could confirm was that there was a Mu Xianyong and some information that matched what Mu Xianyong had told her.

Even in that case, Mu Zhi felt that was good enough.


When they set off for the city, they passed by her mother’s home. The strange man was painting the door in bright red. It was an overbearing shade of red.

After completing the repainting, the man added a word in white, ‘Death!’

That sent a shiver down Mu Zhi’s spine.

She hesitated for a while but did not dare to approach the man to ask him about his actions.

She exchanged glances with the chauffeur as they slowly headed towards their car on feet.

The chauffeur was guarding her from behind.

Their journey out of the village was faster than when they came in because the road was much clearer during the day. They managed to arrive at City A before sunset, and as soon as they did, Mu Zhi received a phone call.

was from her

asked the moment the



briefly. “How

you left.


was that the woman

Mu Zhi did not see the reason

I went

father that came out of the blue. It doesn’t matter to me if

Zhi could not gather a proper reply in response to his

“Mom would never mention a single word

know. She must be angry at

character. She was a fine-looking woman, always curious about things around her. But due to some misfortunes I ran into in the early years, she had to suffer as a consequence. I was too fixated on making a career, and I would fail numerous times. In the end, your mom fled with

at this point. It felt like he was immersed in deep

Zhi had no idea

glad to see you. If she did

nothing else to

exhausted since you’ve just come out from the village. Take a good rest. Can

Zhi was startled at first.

the anniversary of the first time your mom and I met each other. It is a meaningful event to me. I’ve

was located in the most crowded part of

with Mu Xianyong wouldn’t be too awkward

how zealous he was, Mu

Thus, she obliged, “Sure.”

sprang back into life,

Xianyong hung up when

Mu Zhi took

woke up moments later to find out she missed

returned his

at night in where Lu Jinye was, but he answered her call within fractions

“You’re not asleep?”

Mu Zhi was surprised.

hoarse and deep. “The chauffeur told me about the trip, so I thought it would be good to

reached out to me the other


her why she wanted to visit her hometown, but she believed that Lu Jinye would be glad to catch up on what happened to

needed his


Lu Jinye pondered for a long while before saying, “So, your intuition tells you to

her plan initially, but he

her lips and answered

did not feel the need

my men to look into this guy’s past, then tell you afterward. And in the meantime, you can continue interacting

thought Lu Jinye

role of a father no longer meant anything to her. Besides, she should have accepted the fact that she had missed out on a fatherly figure throughout her upbringing. There was no reason to acknowledge him

children when they

Zhi had been telling herself. Thus, she was surprised that Lu


now, having a father change anything to me at this point

question to Lu Jinye to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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