Chapter 252 Time for Karma To Catch Up


“Stop it!” The butler quivered all over as soon as he heard the name.

He took a step forward to stop Madam Liu, grabbing her by the corner of her sleeves to lug her towards him as he said, “What are you talking about?”

Madam Liu glared at the butler fiercely and then uttered maliciously, “I’m telling nothing but the truth, you should know that out of everyone!”

The butler was stunned to silence.

Because… Madam Liu’s sinister look was screamingly intimidating.

“Let her finish!”

Master Lu peered at Madam Liu angrily, yelling, “Carry on! What else do you know?”


“I didn’t believe it in the first place, so I followed Miss Mu Zhi to her mother’s grave and realized that her mother is indeed Madam Mu Xue!”

“Master, you know that I’ve met Madam Mu Xue before.”

Gloom took over Master Lu’s face in the blink of an eye.


He didn’t say anything to Madam Liu, immersing in the sea of thoughts. After a long moment, he turned to the butler and snapped, “Did you find out about this when I told you to look into it earlier?”


The butler stuttered. His body was trembling heavily.


Master Lu thundered. The butler slumped onto his knees in a flash. Banging his forehead on the floor, he explained, “Master, I… I-I’m afraid that you’d be heart-broken.”

“Although it was true that Madam Mu Xue came to you pregnant all those years ago, we can’t be sure that the baby in her womb was Miss Mu Zhi!”

was no

listening to the butler’s words, everything started

Zhi and Mu Xue were



come back

barely staggering to his balance, clutching the walking stick in his hand


gaze to Master

could no longer manage a proper response while looking back at Madam

remorseful at all. There was even a trace of smugness on her face. Yes, you’ve made your bed, and now you must lie in

is just the

every member of Mu

for an eye, a tooth for a

Shi Chu’s life,

Mu Xue wouldn’t come

Chu wouldn’t have

karma to catch

took out Shi Chu’s photo, rubbing

remained standing on the same spot for a long while, even after everyone had dispersed. He wasn’t sure where to go. In the end, he walked up to

making a call to


decided to

matter had to

Master Lu was injured at

learned everything about medicine from her husband. Thus, she could only dress master’s wound, apply some herbs on him, and let him

nursed himself back to health at Mu Xue’s place. During which, he would tell Mu Xue stories about the urban area. Stemming from her curiosity,

was captivated

warmth of their bodies seemed to have ignited

warmth also burned down what

he didn’t leave without giving Mu Xue an address

Xianyong was at another village during that period, attending to a


his wife, Mu Xue and a strange

that she was pregnant. She was

succumbed to the pressure of the gossips. He believed in what everyone’d said that his wife, Mu

Xue bore Master Lu’s child.

Xue ran away from Mu Xianyong while he was fast

dots after gathering bits and pieces

aware of

he was enjoying the hotpot with his mother. A pregnant woman barged

that Shi Chu could bless her relationship with

a poet and an artist. Her world was full of imagination. She believed in real love. To her, real love was never-changing;

burst into her life, pleading and bragging

she questioned Master Lu, and from his hesitation, she


she started pressuring Master Lu

catalyze the growth of animosity

the end, when Master Lu did not return home for a full week, it became the last straw for her.

silky white dress turned red as it was soaked in her blood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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