Chapter 260 Who Sent You?


Mu Zhi ran as fast as she could. But she didn’t even know why she was running.

It was as if the anguish in her heart wanted to burst out of her chest.

She and Lu Jinye were really siblings. This last struggle to prove that they were not was a joke!

She didn’t dare turn back. She didn’t even know what to do now onwards.

Mu Zhi exited the hospital. She was about to call for a cab when darkness covered her eyes, and there was a sharp pain in her neck.

When she woke up again, her hands and feet were bound.

She tried to move but the bindings were too tight.


Even though she was not blindfolded, she had been left in a dark abandoned warehouse. It was so dark that besides the weeds which she could feel with her hands, there was nothing else she could see.

“Help!” Mu Zhi screamed.

Her voice echoed back at her in the emptiness.


“Help! Help me! Help!”

Mu Zhi yelled for help again and again until her voice became scratchy. Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming towards her.

Mu Zhi subconsciously raised her alertness and stretched towards the sound to listen for movement. At that moment, the warehouse door opened.

The sudden brightness was blinding, and Mu Zhi had to close her eyes for them to adjust. She slowly opened her eyes to see a man dressed in a suit standing in the doorway. He stood pin straight and gave off a scholarly vibe but wore sunglasses and a mask, covering his face.

“Who are you? Let me go! Why have you kidnapped me?”

Mu Zhi watched in fear as he approached her, wanting to back away from him.

He watched her as he slowly came near. Mu Zhi could feel how terrifying his gaze was even through the sunglasses.

As if he would end her life on a whim.

“It doesn’t matter who I am and as to why I’ve captured you… Well, you should know better than anyone else,” He smiled.



the smile was even more frightening on this



out a knife and a gun, then placed it

Suddenly, his phone rang.

out the gun and the knife,

How terrifying.

she had no choice but to

watched as he picked up his phone, and glanced at the screen before turning

did not close the door behind when he left. Mu Zhi carefully stood up and cautiously

and stood by the warehouse as he spoke on the phone. Mu

stand with her back towards the doorway and watch for an opportunity to

could hear the conversation the man was having. She heard him say

Chairman Lu!

her back of

Chairman Lu… Chairman Lu…

in City A. And there were only

then that the Chairman Lu he was referring to had to be Lu

did Lu Leiming

fists tight and thought hard… Was Lu

heard the man say, “Okay, I understand. I’ll rape her before


Mu Zhi was petrified.

Lu Leiming must hate her to issue such an

man continue to speak to the person at the other end of the call, “Chairman Lu,

“Yes, yes, yes…”

“Yes, I wouldn’t dare…”


was the kidnapper bargaining. The person at the other end must have gotten angry and scolded him because

that, he spent a while apologizing before

know how to react

is your wife after

There weren’t many Chairman

was only one Chairman Lu she was

Was it Lu Jinye?!

be Lu

ran the thought over and over

It couldn’t be him.

so petrified with fear and this new development that

forgotten to

man finished with his phone call and turned around…

aura came

all?” He

to finally regain her senses

then asked in disbelief, “Who were you talking to

you chosen how you’d like

looked at him and asked, “Tell me. Were you

lying to me, aren’t

placed the knife and gun. He picked up the knife with his left hand and placed it down again before

asked her in annoyance, “What’s the use even if you know


Lu Jinye, right? The Chairman Lu you’re talking about is Lu Leiming, isn’t it?” Mu Zhi tried

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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