Chapter 292 You Call This Compatibility


It was nightfall. Some of the passengers came together to start a bonfire. Many crowded the fire with their rations, having a casual chat as a way to find joy despite the mishap.

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Mu Zhi didn’t want to join a bonfire. Technically, she had no urge to join any event that would bring her and Lu Jinye to the same place.


However, the crew of the plane was overzealous. If any passenger refused to join the bonfire, they would swamp them with apologies until the passenger agreed to attend.

Without any option, Mu Zhi could only join the bonfire.

Fortunately, when she arrived at the bonfire, Lu Jinye did not seem to be present.


Mu Zhi had a poncho over her shoulders. She continuously tried to shuffle towards the fire, but it was not enough to fight the chilly weather. She was unenthusiastic about the bonfire, at least not as enthusiastic as the other passengers who were dancing and singing. She sat smiling at the crowd, pretending to be happy. In this instance, a stranger suddenly sat next to Mu Zhi, saying to her amorously, “Are you cold? You might feel better if I come closer to you.”


The man grinned from ear to ear. His long legs and distinct features would make most girls want to steal a few extra glances at him.

However, Mu Zhi merely raised her eyes at him and said, “I’m alright, thanks.”


She then subconsciously shuffled away from him.

“Are you scared of me?”

Upon noticing her movements, the man leaned towards her and asked.


Mu Zhi shook her head courteously. What else could she have done? She didn’t feel comfortable shunning the man or telling him to get lost!

She would be the biggest drama queen if that was the case.

on the same flight, and both of us are forced to land on this island. While we may seem like an impossible pair in the first place, we now have the chance to spend the night together. Don’t you think that

deliberately dampened the pitch of his voice to make it sound as captivating and ambiguous as he could in the dimly lit

sir, could you please leave me


something that troubles you? I can offer a

to Mu Zhi. He was not intimidated by Mu Zhi’s rejection. Instead, he

made Mu Zhi leap to

followed suit. He seized

to know each other a little bit better? Who knows if we

me go, if you keep

out a wicked grin. An unscrupulous expression surfaced on his charming

say no? Is that your

girls like you, girls who pretend not to care just

Chao, I’m an actor. You must’ve seen me on TV before. But without the presence of cameras, you could take me as an

Zhi’s retaliation

until she ran into a dead end. The man continued speaking, “Truth to be told, I noticed you the moment I boarded the flight.

after her at this point. But it took a few strides

the women on the flight had no means of stopping Lu Chao when they witnessed the ordeal. Instead, they were applauding and cheering wildly, eyes brimming with heart-shapes as they screamed, “Oh heavens, so hot,

driven mad. Just as she was running out of ideas, a shockingly apathetic voice arose, laced

and Lu Chao worked out that the voice was directed at them, Lu Jinye

at Lu Jinye and uttered scornfully, “Sir, can you not ruin my beautiful plan? Show some respect and queue up

several attempts, Mu Zhi finally managed to free her wrist from Lu Chao’s firm

Zhi’s waist. In response to Lu Chao’s jeering, Lu Jinye said, “Are you saying that

was a celebrity. His appearance had attracted the eyes of a fleet of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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