Chapter 295 Do You Love Me


“Stop coming closer.” Mu Zhi hurriedly shoved Lu Jinye away and glared at him fiercely. “Do you hate me?” Lu Jinye asked with his brows slightly arched.


“If you won’t leave right now, I will.” Mu Zhi did not want to spare another second talking to Lu Jinye. Lu Jinye seemed to have cast an enchantment on her.


It was clear to her that she knew nothing about Lu Jinye, just like Jon Snow, and her rational mind had put in every effort to tell her to resist him. But her wall of protection would always collapse whenever she faced Lu Jinye.

Thus, she could only chase Lu Jinye away from the room. Lu Jinye was not bothered by Mu Zhi’s remark. He found a seat insouciantly, opened a bottle of wine, and poured himself a glass.

“I think we need a drink. Alcohol helps to soothe communication.”


Lu Jinye continuously challenged Mu Zhi’s limits. He sensed that Mu Zhi was nervous and was trying to hide something.


The more nervous she became, the happier Lu Jinye was.

It was a testimony of a void between Mu Zhi and her current husband.


And the void was a terrifying abyss in Mu Zhi’s eyes.

Mu Zhi could not bear to spend another second in the same room alone with Lu Jinye.

Just as Lu Jinye raised the glass in the air, beckoning to offer it to Mu Zhi, she turned around decisively and walked out of the door, disappearing into the blackness of the corridor.


Lu Jinye gulped every drop of the wine. He stared at her as she vanished from his line of sight. The bitterness in his heart was comparable to the taste of alcohol, while the burning sensation in his throat was analogous to his blazing fury.

Mu Zhi went to the lobby. She was glad that there were emergency lights over there, and she did not have to stay in the petrifying dark alone.

It was clear to her that she was not petrified of the dark, but Lu Jinye.

Mu Zhi felt an excruciating headache. She sat on the couch to get some rest, gently massaging her temples in an attempt to alleviate the pain.

noticed that Mu Zhi was in discomfort. She brought a glass of warm water and a hot

is there anything else I can

The warmth managed to alleviate her headache for a little.

know if you need anything.” The attendant left upon finishing

“Thank you.”

Zhi heaved a sorrowful sigh after

attendant could give because what she needed

a space before dialing Xie


was answered, Mu Zhi could hear that Xie Xiu was busy with work. “Actually, there’s no big


Mu Zhi’s voice despite her attempts to

Zhi hesitated briefly and asked, “Then, let me ask you something, do

fingers were

Zhi right now

memories of her past, she felt like she was

“I love you, Ann.”

full of tolerance. He managed to calm Mu Zhi down

then asked Xie

the phone, followed by deafening silence. She could

because your teeth were shedding. You wanted ice-cream badly at the time, I could see it in your eyes. So I told the

Zhi burst into a

weren’t angry at me the next day. You even told me to

such a

nothing special about a flower, but you got mad. You gave me the cold shoulders. But you were put in the limelight the next day.

scared witless, I almost wet my pants, not knowing what to do. We went

wanted was for us to be together. Thus, we ended up bracing through all hardships to get the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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