Chapter 298 Because You Look Like My Mom


The performance was a large success. It ended with a thunderous round of applause. Mu Zhi had seen the same play before, but different crews presented it. None of them was as stunning as this one.


She could not explain the mysterious feeling that had aroused her as she watched the little girl dance on stage. The girl moved her in an exceptional way. She felt like she had witnessed the growth of the little girl, and the sweat and tears the girl had put into her performance.


When the play was concluded, and the crew members were thanking the audience, Mu Zhi brought the flower she had prepared beforehand to stage for the little girl.

The girl was seemingly nervous. Mu Zhi could tell from her movements during the performance and her stance on stage.

When she was presented flowers by the rest of the audience, she would bow from the waist to show her gratitude. However, when it was Mu Zhi’s turn, the girl first raised her eyes to look at Mu Zhi, then burst into tears.


Mu Zhi was dumbfounded. Seeing that the girl was weeping, Mu Zhi was at a loss.


At last, the girl lost control of her emotions and started wailing.

Nobody appeared to have handled this situation before. Some crewmates from the event ushered the girl backstage for some fresh air. Mu Zhi was concerned for her, so she followed behind to check her out.


After all, the girl only cried after seeing her.

Mu Zhi felt the obligation to ask for the reason behind it and to console her.

The girl became much more stable when she was backstage. She gradually stopped crying – perhaps she was too tired from crying. Mu Zhi slowly approached the girl when she noticed that she had calmed down a little, then asked reluctantly, “Don’t you like flowers?”


“I wanted to give you a flower because I liked your performance. I didn’t intend to upset you. I didn’t mean it, I didn’t know better.”

head in response. She lifted her eyes to look at Mu Zhi for a while before silently

herself, she squeezed a smile, saying, “I didn’t cry because of the flower, it’s


and could

those words. She was anxious to begin with when she approached the

her emotions were, and the stronger her emotions were,

you look like

her answer. She took a closer look at the girl and said, “It might be fate. I feel just

“I know.”

put away her melancholy thoughts, then continued, “My dad told me that mom has passed away, she’s watching

note, the girl started

the girl’s hand, saying gently, “It’s true. I believe your mom is watching you

and received the flower from her hands. “Thank you, sorry about

looked too much like her mother.

demeanor was different from her

must be just a false

only five years old when Mu Zhi left her. The memory of a five-year-old would eventually relinquish as they grew. Thus, her memory of Mu Zhi had become obscure

Jinye. Time seemed to have skipped by rapidly for the past five years for both of them. Xiaomu had relentlessly practiced dancing, performing in one

of the time. He routinely

When Mu Xiaomu first saw Mu Zhi’s

“What’s your name?”

tried to steer the conversation away from the girl’s mother, afraid that she would

her and said, “My

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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