Chapter 308 Why Are You Rushing To Sleep


Mu Zhi was shuddering as she stared at Lu Jinye. She insisted on staying in the car, reiterating herself out loud, “I am not staying here tonight.”

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Lu Jinye turned to look at Mu Zhi, “So, where do you want to stay?” “I want to go home.” “Looking at the rain, that’s impossible.” “You can stay in there yourself, I don’t feel like joining you.”


She was suddenly reminded of the time the last time they were in the same hotel. Lu Jinye was a ticking time-bomb who could manipulate her emotions.

Mu Zhi was terrified.

Seeing that Mu Zhi would not move a finger, Lu Jinye cast a sideway look at her, saying, “Fine, I’ll get myself a room at the motel, and you can choose to stay here.”


He gave Mu Zhi one of the two umbrellas he had in the trunk. If he had forcefully carried Mu Zhi into the motel, she would’ve struggled, got water over herself, and easily caught a cold. He was certain that the both of them wouldn’t be able to find a fresh change of clothes in the area.


So he left Mu Zhi alone and went into the motel.

“I’m staying here.” Mu Zhi insisted like a stubborn mule.


Lu Jinye said nothing, as though agreeing to her tacitly. But he had just taken a few steps before turning around and uttered, “By the looks of how quickly water levels is rising, it’ll reach the door handle in less than half an hour, and you wouldn’t be able to open the door because of the water pressure. Good luck getting trapped.”

He resorted to employing scare tactics.

Mu Zhi was furious. She had the impulse to lash out at him, but Lu Jinye had promptly disappeared into the motel.


She could only catch a glimpse of his coat, and she was fuming.

When she looked at the rain outside, she could picture what Lu Jinye had described. The slowly growing rain wasn’t helping with the situation.

At that thought, Mu Zhi became a little intimidated.

She had never seen rain this heavy in her life. It almost looked like rain came in the form of water surging from the sky instead of droplets. It did not look like it would cease anytime soon.

Mu Zhi then cast her gaze afar. There were numerous cars in the parking lot, so Lu Jinye was forced to park his car farther away from the building.

It was a grubby-looking motel. Most of its customers must have only chosen to stay in for the night due to the heavy downpour.

of customers the motel

levels, she was starting to change her

Is Lu Jinye right?

I go in to look for

rain reluctantly… Only to notice that the puddle of water at a distance away

fists, then ultimately stepped off the car, put up the

waiting her in the elevator, preparing

senses, she scuttled towards Lu Jinye and barged into

you what, don’t be too happy. I’m not doing this for you. I only chose

“I know.”

response to Mu

putting up a bold front, saying, “I’ll leave as soon as

Jinye nodded listlessly and hummed in

Lu Jinye

instead of migrating to the digital door

as the door was unlocked with a click, Mu Zhi reached out a hand towards Lu

acted like

give me


I can pay

vexation, thinking that he had pushed too far. She seemed

and demanded, “Can you give me

Jinye frowned at Mu

and this is the last room

“You dirty scumbag!”

Zhi was enraged to hear what came from Lu Jinye. She bellowed at him with a scowl and turned around, preparing to

this is

“Don’t even start!”

went to the ground floor

as long as it’s on a different floor as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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