Chapter 318 Her Mother’s Grave


Mu Zhi and Xie Xiu could not touch. It was an obstacle that they could never overcome even though they had seen many doctors. The doctors didn’t even know how to treat her.


The amount of contact between the both of them was limited to holding hands. But now… Mu Zhi could even… Xie Xiu reached out and hugged Mu Zhi tightly to test it out. Mu Zhi was also nervous.


But her reaction wasn’t as bad as before! He moved closer… And closer… She did not push him away.

Mu Zhi was so nervous that she kept her eyes shut the entire time. She only opened her eyes when she felt that she was firmly wrapped in his arms.

She gawked at Xie Xiu in disbelief.


Xie Xiu’s face was filled with surprise, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.


“Your body isn’t rejecting my touch.”

Xie Xiu hugged her tightly and drew her even closer.


His breath fell on her face and slowly moved towards her lips. Mu Zhi shut her eyes tightly in nervousness. It was as if by closing her eyes, all her senses were heightened, and it magnified what was happening between her and Xie Xiu.

Just when his face was about to descend on hers, Mu Zhi pushed him away.

“Xie Xiu. I can’t. Can we try another time? I’m too scared.”


Mu Zhi stopped him again. But this time, she had consciously resisted him, and it wasn’t because of anything else.

Xie Xiu did not want to force her. “It’s late. You should go to bed.”

Mu Zhi felt guilty.

It was only natural for them to consummate their marriage. But for some reason, she could not do it. Mu Zhi felt depressed. She stood up and went back to her room.

She gave it a lot of thought but still could not think it through.

closed the door to her room, but could not sleep no matter

felt nothing when

Xie Xiu, but when she thought of Lu Jinye, it was the complete


to be thinking


out her iPad from the drawer to watch a movie. But when she took it out, she saw the

photo… Made Mu Zhi feel

was an address at

how house numbers

out the address on the

took the photo with her and recited the address to the cab driver. He was stunned and asked if she was going to

not know how to respond and affirmed

as near the cemetery

driver brought them to

Truly was

driver dropped Mu

the woman in the photo. She thought about it

the cemetery groundskeeper’s lodge. Perhaps the woman in the

Zhi held the photo in hand and

window. When the groundskeeper saw who it was, he smiled widely and said, “I haven’t seen you in a long

Mu Zhi was stunned.

that maybe he had mistaken her for someone else and smiled abashedly, “I

could I mistake you for someone else? I have never

few years, your husband regularly visits her. Sometimes, your brother would come too.” The groundskeeper

explain herself, “I don’t mean to interrupt but I’m here to

Zhi estimated her age to be around the same age as her mother would be. In any


gave the photo a quick glance and

acting so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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