Chapter 325 Do You Know Rao Xue?


When Mu Zhi received Eric’s call and got to know where he was, she was completely stunned. She rushed to Lu Jinye’s house at once after hanging up!

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Mu Zhi pushed the door open and saw Eric inside. Eric was sitting with a solemn look on his face. He seemed to be waiting for her. Eric wondered if he should reveal the truth to Mu Zhi. He was a cautious person.


Therefore, he needed to observe and see if Mu Zhi could take it or not.

Eric stood up when he saw Mu Zhi. Mu Zhi grabbed Eric’s hand and bombarded him with a series of questions out of anxiety, “What’s the matter? Are you okay? Why are you here?”

Mu Zhi scanned the surroundings carefully, watching out for Lu Jinye.


Eric shook his head and simply replied, “I’m alright.”


“Why did you call me here? Where is Lu Jinye?”

Mu Zhi asked again anxiously.


Eric raised his head and looked at Mu Zhi seriously with his big eyes wide open, “Mommy, have you ever thought that maybe…”

“Xie Xiu wasn’t my father?”

Eric tried to ask Mu Zhi casually.


But when Mu Zhi heard this, she was stunned. Why would Eric say such a thing? But Mu Zhi did not want to stay any longer at Lu Jinye’s house as she was certain that he was the culprit who fed that thought into Eric’s mind.

Mu Zhi looked around for Lu Jinye’s presence. She did not bother to explain too much to Eric. She only wanted to take him out of here as soon and as far as possible, away from Lu Jinye.

“Let’s go.”

Mu Zhi grabbed Eric’s hand.

However, Eric did not budge. He merely observed Mu Zhi’s reaction.

Eric trusted Lu Jinye’s decision. He believed that he was Lu Jinye’s son as well.

“Come on, let’s make a move.”

“We’ll talk about this at

Zhi out of the

and got into the car. Then she

and quickly

was on pins and needles in the car throughout the whole way back. She wanted to warn Eric to stay away from Lu Jinye.

Zhi did not find

know how to answer either

car. He

Eric, and finally asked,

answered her calmly, “Mom, I don’t think Mr. Lu is

your mother

about Lu Jinye. But before she could continue,

sudden, there was no time to duck. The driver slammed onto the steering wheel to get around, and they rammed into a flower bed at the side. Fortunately, the driver slammed onto the brake in the nick of time. Mu Zhi and Eric

“Are you all right?”

turned around to make

“We are fine.”

on Eric immediately. To her relief,

car to check. However, when he opened the door, he saw a

black holed gun in her hand.

off, and the driver was killed before he knew it. The driver’s body fell limply onto the steering wheel. His body pressed against the horn and

Zhi was terrified having witnessed this scene. She subconsciously held Eric tight in her arms and continued to

opened the car door. She signaled Mu Zhi to get out


“Get off.”

woman repeated

moved further into the car with Eric in



masked woman fired another shot at the driver’s body. Blood dripped profusely from the back of his

hurt us. If you want money, I can give you a lot of

car and went on, “You should know my husband since you

“Get in that car.”

pointed to the car that had stopped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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