Chapter 345 Hopeful About the New Relationship


Their surroundings burst into a low buzz of murmuring as soon as Xie Xiu had finished his words. “Who is this man?”

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“Who cares? He is a work of art…” “By the sound of it, it looks like he is here to protect Ann. Did Ann double-cross Lu Jinye and hooked up with another man?”


“So envious… I want someone who would defend me overbearingly like this hottie too…”

“Quit dreaming.”

“It seems like the show has just started…”


Xie Xiu had his eyes locked on Mu Zhi while she was resenting the fact that he had caught her working behind his back. The both of them could not be bothered by the mumbling of the insignificant characters around them.


However, Xie Xiu could hear some of the words. He wheeled around and swept his gaze across the colleagues, then shook his head disappointingly.

“You could’ve done a better job at choosing your workplace. The quality of this company and its staff might’ve been a little underwhelming.”


Everyone exchanged glances at his remark and was red in the face.

Under Xie Xiu’s overwhelming temperament, nobody dared utter a sound.

Finishing what he had to say, Xie Xiu took out his phone and gave his Accounting Team a call, telling them the name of the company before demanding, “Value this company at once and tell the Accounting Team to make their way here.”


After he was done with the call, Mu Zhi asked nervously, “What are you doing?”

“Acquiring the company.”

Xie Xiu put on an affectionate smile before casting a sideways glance at everyone.

at the door earlier. Thus, he had taken the most succinct approach to take care of

just want to

be your company soon, you can do whatever you wish

“I’m not…”

bear to watch you suffer like this. This company doesn’t deserve you, and these guys aren’t even

your own company. I will send a team to scale this company’s operation up and restructure

They were Xie Xiu’s

the valuation of this

team is disarrayed, and the accounts are disordered. It isn’t

it back to them, “See to it. It doesn’t matter if it makes money. I want Ann to be

Xie Xiu and

how she should ease Xie


them even dared to breathe aloud as

Accounting Team was about to act when Mu Zhi stopped them. “Go back to work, leave this for

Team froze, not knowing

Xiu helplessly, mustered her courage, and grabbed her

Xiu hastily

his car and explained, “I’m doing all these

to look for a job behind your back because I’d like to experience how it feels like to go to work and understand you a

you doing these for me. If you want to have work experience, you should’ve come straight to my company. There’s no need to experience work at a useless company. Besides, it is littered with hopeless

up a hand saying, “Fine, enough. You’ve treated me very well, and you’re overdoing it. I will never work at your

Xiu let out an affectionate smile like he usually did, “Even better that you’ve

any longer. I must return to the States, I have a meeting over

all the way here just to stop me from

Xiu glanced at Mu Zhi and elaborated his intentions, “Of course not, I’m just worried that something would happen to you, I just

and go for your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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