Read Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 231 – Jonah POV

Hours Earlier

I felt the moment he awoke, the part of me that is connected to Kyan tingled with a ferocity that had me flying out of bed to get dressed. I had never felt Kaif in so much distress before or ever, for that matter. But whatever happened scared him, and that monster does not feel fear.

My feet barely touched the stairs as I jumped down the staircase. I knew I would c***h b**n hard after this one. I had spent all day training with my father and now was about to go ten rounds with this big hairy f****r and come out the losing end. F**k I would feel it tomorrow.

My father collided with me at the bottom of the stairs, startled. This is why I always stayed at my cabin and rarely at the packhouse. I was two hours away from the City but could make it there in an hour if I didn‘t slow down. I just hoped he wasn‘t tearing up the City.



“Can‘t talk, love you,” I tell him picking myself up off the floor and darting for the rear door. The front always took too long to unlock. Why he was even up at this ungodly hour was beyond me, it was near midnight.

Getting to my car, I fling the door open and nearly rip it off the hinges, the door swinging back and smashing against my ankle, and I hiss, the keys already in the ignition, and I start her up. I was pretty sure I woke half the pack up as I tore out along the dirt road heading for the highway. The car fishtails onto the bitumen road, the tires squealing as I floor it.

I was halfway to the City when my phone rang, yet I don‘t remember grabbing it when I felt the vibration in my back pocket. I pull it out to see Casen‘s name pop up on the screen. What the h**l has Rose done now? I did not have time for this s**t. Answering it, I turn the Bluetooth on and drop it in my lap, waiting for the Bluetooth to kick in.

“Yep,” I answer when I hear the Bluetooth finally click over.

“Is Rose and Marabella with you?” Casen asks. I nearly swerved off the road at those words. My mind racing a million miles an hour at that one question.


Jax pressing nervously against my skin, and I do the one thing I swore I never would do, swore I never wanted to see in that b*****d‘s head, knowing it would terrify me if I did and he would probably k**l me because I know he would feel it. However, something told me I would find what I was looking for if I did.

“Jonah, you there? Where the f**k is my mate,” Casen snaps.

“Hang on, can hardly hear you; in poor reception, let me pull over,” I lie.

“Pfft, I can hear you fine,”

“Huh, what was that? Speak up; I can‘t hear you,” I hear him growl and pull off onto the shoulder and off the road.

I feel for my bond to Kaif. Please don‘t be wanking or f*****g some bimbo, I think t o myself before feeling my thoughts merge with his. My body felt like it turned jelly–like, and I melted through my seat. I blink my eyes, opening to new scenery that I knew wasn‘t mine. I expected to see blood and carnage instead, I looked down at Marabella sleeping.

My brows furrow trying to figure out what was going on. What shocked me most was I wasn‘t in Kaif‘s head; I was in Kyan‘s yet could feel Kaif present like he was in control along with Kyan, which usually Kyan had a firm grip on control, but it almost felt like he was willingly letting him forward with him.

I pull back, knowing if Marabella was with Kyan, Rose must be too.

“Jonah, what the f**k bro, where you at?” Casen snarls into the phone as I find myself in my own surroundings.

“Ah, that‘s better can hear you now,” Casen growls menacingly.

“What was the question?” I ask, playing dumb while pulling back onto the road and heading toward the City again.

“Rose, you know your d**n sister and the pain in my b****y a*s, her and Marabella are gone where are they?”

I ah picked them up earlier. We are staying at

think to f*****g wake

nice and Cozy sucking your thumb

thumb! I swear if you

“You‘ll what?” Casen growls.

s**t will be awkward when everyone gets

City. We are all going there tomorrow for Rose‘s birthday, stay in

a note if they were

leave a note or wake Kat,”

will leave a note. See you tomorrow, and don‘t let her out

the girls, why are you

Kyan‘s. I

milk at

brew, figured I would get milk before I have to put up with his morning head,” I tell him. S**t, I was

sometimes. You better not be lying

Kyan, he is still at home, but hey, you wake him, you deal with him,” I

City then,” I cut the call and continue driving when I feel a rush, and this time I know for certain Kaif shifted, his anger smashing into me,

nothing like he was nonexistent, and I knew that couldn‘t be a good thing. It made

Kyan‘s, and I rush to the door, shoving it open. I shiver from how cold this place is, and I had noticed over

was silence walking in. I checked the guest bedroom and found Rose snoring, and she had kicked her blankets off. I shake my head before closing her door and sucking in a deep breath before climbing the stairs. I expected bloodshed and the house to be totaled and screaming like usual, but

his bedroom door open, Kaif‘s head snaps up, and he looks at me. I had t o reign in my composer, my jaw nearly hitting the floor at the

him and shut the door before turning back to face

over the top of her, the sheets tearing under his claws as he flexed his fingers

waking her just so you

knocked her out,” He startles me by answering. I expected a growl or

that goosebumps rose on

trying to keep my movements slow

“No, mine.”

one of his claws pressing into the pillows beside her face as he shifted his weight, getting ready to a****k me

me check

safe with me;

but your claws,” I point

aware of where my mate is,” He says cocking

I ask him, and he

keep her. He was going to reject her, take her memory away” I wondered what memory he was speaking of,

tell him, and he huffs out a breath. This felt weird having a conversation with the beast that usually

you haven‘t marked her,” I tell him, glancing under



strong, she has the same

so too,” I tell

step right next to the bed, and he growls as I reach my hand to brush some of her hair back, and he moves back to the other side, watching me like he was debating

I not k**l her,”

I tell

“But I won‘t unless,”

snarls, moving to swat my hand away, and I smack his nose. He growls, gripping his muzzle in both clawed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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