Read Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 234 – Marabella POV

I didn’t want to dance, but Jonah pulled me over to the dancefloor anyway; I cou1dn’t dance to save my life. “What’s wrong?” Jonah asks, and I shake my head, not wanting to draw attention to the fact Kyan was glaring at him. I had managed to ignore him all night, but I could feel his gaze boring into us; the room felt suffocating with his presence despite its size.

I nod toward Rose, who had been pulled away from Casen by some man. Jonah rolls his eyes at his sister while Casen looks as though he is about to tear the man to shreds.

“Casen will sort it,” Jonah says, tugging me closer, I could feel the buzz in the room, and I glance at Kyan over Jonah’s shoulder.

“Maybe we should go sit down; Kyan keeps glaring at us, I don’t want to upset him”


“He will get over it. Besides, Kaif said he was planning on rejecting you anyway. Why care what he thinks?” Jonah says his words a growl. I chew my lip worriedly; that didn’t mean we should upset him.

“Mara, stop just ignore him until he pulls his head out of his a*s, he needs to man up or just get it over with,”

“Get what over with, rejecting me?” I snap at him.

“I have not once denied my feelings for you, and kyan knows how I feel about you, “

“Yes, but what if he doesn’t reject me, Jonah, we can’t just, “

“Can’t what? Be together?” I nod.


“I know you want Kyan, and I am fine sharing, but if you don’t want this, Marabella, let me know now because I am done with waiting on Kyan to make his mind up.”

“I do want to be with you, I always have, but Kyan- ” My words are cut off by his lips crashing against my own. I gasp, shocked at his display in front of Kyan when he tugs me closer, deepening the kiss. I push on his chest.

“Jonah, ” I mumble around his lips.

“He needs to either accept it or let you go, Mara. I am done waiting for his approval, and you should be too,” Jonah says when suddenly yelling starts up behind us. I glance over my shoulder to see Casen punch the man Rose was dancing with.

“Oh, for fcks sake, ” Jonah mutters.

“Stay here, I will be back, ” Jonah says us leaving me on the dancefloor while he makes his way over to Casen and Rose to break up the fight. I sigh about to go back to the bar and get a drink, only stopping when I see Kyan and the woman from earlier with her hands all over him.

My stomach drops when I see his hand on her hip. He tugs her closer, and the woman giggles when my heart sinks, plunging somewhere deep and shriveling up when he grabs her before kissing her. Pain radiates through me, and I take a step back as bile rises in my throat.

I felt like I was going to be sick, yet I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the woman as her hands roamed over his chest, tugging him closer when Kyan grabbed her a*s, and she was practically straddling his lap. Kora growls, but it turns to a whimpered sob, and I clutch my chest.

I couldn’t catch my breath, couldn’t tear my eyes away from them, yet I needed to move when I felt Kora lurch forward. My fear from the other night comes back, and I take off, running for the doors leading out of the room.

“Kora, stop, ” I begged her as tears burned my eyes as I tried to find the elevator to go to Jonah’s apartment, people stared and I felt my face heat with embarrassment that all these people and their judging eyes stared at me.

I must look pathetic running through the halls crying over someone that clearly doesn’t want me. Getting to the next floor, I finally find an elevator before noticing a security guard. I stop, tapping him on the shoulder, and he sniffs the air.

“You okay, Love?” He asks and I can barely speak when the pain suddenly stops.

key for the elevator, ” I

is off-limits to

go up there, tell him it’s Mara,” I rub my arms suddenly feeling cold, really cold like some part of me died, and I cou1dn’t get

the potplant by the door, ” the

to speak to

me out,” the

stop myself from making an even bigger fool of

panel, and I thank him when he sets the elevator to the penthouse floor. I lean against the wall as it goes up, and Kora continues to whimper in my head. Her pain became mine, and I hated how much pain it caused me hearing her cry out like that for our mate, yet also for

I if I wasn’t even good enough for my

the soil before finding the key. I placed it in the lock and twisted before pushing the door open and stepping into the darkened apartment. Turning, I go to close the door only for

take a step back away from him. The energy rippling out of him made the lights

know how it fcking feels, every fcking time you touch him, it was bad enough behind my back but in fcking

lights suddenly burst, plunging us back into darkness except for

me like some w***e,

that s***k in

how it fcking feels, you think I like seeing you with Jonah? Do you have any idea how much that fcking hurts? ” he grabs both

is meant to want you, the same way it feels every time you fcking push me away and reject me without rejecting me, ” I

the sound manic, and his

I told you I was doing that for you; I am not safe to be with Marabella, you know it, I know it, your fcking mother knows it, but you want a mate, that’s what you want?” Kyan says while taking his jacket off. Startled I step

you doing Kyan, your

you will fcking see,” He snarls, reaching for me. I take another step glancing

is capable of being. I was near to the door when he caught me, his arms wrapping around my waist, and I clutched the door

you want, Marabella?” He snarls, undoing his belt, and I kick him, but he grabs my ankle shoving it down,

want a monster I will give you a fcking monster, ” He growls, making goosebumps rise on my skin as I try to kick him off but he grabs my legs, his touch burns, and thrills despite what he was doing or trying to do when I rip my gloves off. Kyan reaches for my hands,

falls rapidly as

Kyan, ” I yell at him, struggling against his

my shirt and sparks rush everywhere, but every part of my mind was screaming, it wasn’t supposed to be like this, I didn’t want it to be like this. Kora wanted to shift to deal with him but also did not want to hurt him, which pissed me off because

the strange voice I heard the night

says again

trying to shove him off. My hands smack into his chest, and I

I don’t know why I listened, why I trusted this imaginary voice in my head, but I slam my

into the wall behind him as if a force had shoved him off with a strength that wasn’t anything like I

groan. The glass from the light bulbs crunches under my feet, and pain radiates through me with each step. I glance at the door debating whether or not this was my chance to escape and no doubt it was. However, I needed to know he was alright, that I didn’t hurt him or, worse, k**l my mate. Surely I would feel if he were d***g, wouldn’t

groans again before getting to his hand’s knees, the ripple of energy around now gone when I see a piece of steel going through his abdomen; he pulls it

I step through the hole in the

he freezes, a growl slipping out

did you hear that?” he

not wanting to tell him I hear voices in my head.

shirt. The bar punctured through his lower stomach and hip but was still bleeding as he

aren’t you healing?”

I drugged my wolf,” he says, putting pressure on it. I

fine, Ella,

when he

I would say he already on his way, no way he didn’t feel that, ” Kyan chokes out before coughing, blood spraying everywhere, and I wipe my face,

” He murmurs while I put pressure

long does it usually

had Kaif to heal me,” He answers, though the color on his face was draining right out of him, his skin clammy. He falls quiet

beneath my hand and pull back to see it slowly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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