Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 223

“I’m not getting into this with you. Buzz off.” With that, Jasmine shoved Natalie out of the way as she made her approach towards Plumlee.

Her half-sister stumbled and would have lurched over if not for Joyce’s timely intervention.

“Are you blind, Jasmine Smith? Can’t you see Nat standing there?” Joyce bellowed as she glared at Jasmine.

Jasmine glanced at Natalie. “Who told her to put herself in the way?”

“Why you little…”

“Alright Joyce, there’s no need for us to argue with the likes of her.” Natalie patted the back of Joyce’s hand to calm her.

Shane, who had been observing somberly through the surveillance cameras away from the booth, barked out. “Have Niall get rid of that woman.”

“Understood,” Silas replied before he sent out another message.

Plumlee felt even more assured after reading the message from Silas. He straightened his tie and was about to speak, but Jasmine got in before him. “Hello Mr. Smith, I’m the representative of Jasminum. I understand that you are from out of town, and are looking for a partner to fulfill the objectives of this bidding exercise. I…”

that rang out cut

shot a look at Joyce and Natalie. “What

Natalie merely shrugged.

off the corner of her eye. “Sweet mama. You nearly had me in stitches. How do you expect

you mean?” Jasmine

The wrong person?



his secretary,” Plumlee

with fists clenched. “Why didn’t you say so

caused her to embarrass herself in front

“Dear Miss, it’s not that I didn’t want to. What else was

just barged in, made no attempt to clarify the situation, and now you are blaming it on everyone else. You don’t even have

nodded in agreement. “Ms. Rivers is right. We are sorry Miss, we won’t be able to work

not?” Jasmine frowned hard

because we’ve decided to work

pitch as she


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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