Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 225

Natalie only realized then that Shane still had his arm around her, so she quickly freed herself using her own hands.

Bereft of his support, Natalie teetered unsteadily on one foot.

“Joyce.” Natalie extended her hands towards her friend.

Joyce understood her and came forward to lend support.

Natalie then breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that she was okay, Shane withdrew the hand he had left hanging in the air into a fist before stuffing it into his own pocket.

Jasmine fronted him and raised a pair of teary eyes. “Explain yourself, Shane. Why were you holding her?”

He pressed his lips and answered rather impatiently. “Her foot was hurt.”

“Even if it was, it’s not your place to support her. You are my fiancé. What am I supposed to think when you put your hands on another woman in front of me?” Jasmine bit her lip in disgruntlement.

Shane furrowed, and was about to say something.

in before him. “Hey, aren’t you being a little too petty? Mr. Shane had already explained himself. Do you have to act as though they have somehow wronged you? Moreover, Nat’s injury was of your doing. If your fiancé


He lowered his sights towards Natalie’s foot before lifting it up to meet her gaze.

parted slightly as she answered in the affirmative under her

as he

face as she reflexively denied the allegations. “That’s a lie. Don’t

the restroom with oil so that Natalie would get hurt. And this right

seen the bottle before and was able to

brand was Jasmine’s

true?” He pursed his lips

not. I’m not the only one who uses essential oil. Who is to say that the

about we send the sample to get tested?” Natalie’s eyebrows were

if the oil outside the restroom and the contents of this

idea!” Joyce’s eyes lit up. “If we find a match, then you could no longer deny it,

she heard them, Jasmine’s legs went weak

reaction was tantamount to an admission of

eyed her coldly. “You are

Jasmine shivered as she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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