Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 227

“Just go!” Yulia interjected as she brought over a plate of washed fruits.

Natalie frowned. “Mom, how could I leave right now with Connor in this condition…”

“I’ll be around. When your brother found out about Connor’s accident, he specifically requested that I stay here with you for a while longer. As you’ve been under a lot of stress over Connor lately, it would be nice for you to take a break alongside Stanley and relax.”

Stanley offered his thanks upon receiving his share of the fruit and seconded the points she made. “Yulia is right, Nat. Just think of it as a vacation. You’ll be back sooner than you know it.”

Natalie looked at the both of them and smiled in resignation as she shook her head. “Since you already put it that way, how could I refuse?”

Stanley’s face perked up in delight. “So you have agreed to it then, Nat?”

She replied in the affirmative.

“That’s wonderful. I’ll come to pick you up when the time comes.” He placed down the apple in his hand and got to his feet.

Natalie nodded. “Alright.”

onto the plate. “What a thoughtful lad. He doesn’t forget to

bite of the apple. “Actually, I’m not that keen on attending other people’s wedding. I’d rather he

“I don’t know if you are really oblivious, or pretending to be. You picked it up right away with Shane, so I wonder how is it that you could be this dense

blinked in bewilderment. “What are you going on about, Mom? I don’t get anything that

if you

once or twice before she

forehead, all the while still feeling

put it all at the back of her mind. She lifted the apple to her lips to finish it up before she

The next day.

came to the hospital to pick up Natalie so that they may go to the studio together to put pen to paper on

when she arrived.

her breakfast.

he was going to punish her? Today, Jasmine suffered a broken leg. Mr. Shane is

grim. “Has Jasmine really broken

report stated that she was found in an alley

fork immediately and pulled out her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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