Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 242

Once Natalie opened the door, she brought Stanley to one of the bedrooms.

“Stanley, we’re here.” She lightly shook her shoulders to remind him.

He gave no reaction.

Natalie turned her head to look at him only to realize that his eyes were closed.

Under the impression that he was asleep, she attempted to bend down so she could toss him onto the bed.

All of a sudden, Stanley held onto her waist and they fell onto the bed together.

She lay there stiff in his warm embrace. After a long while, she mustered the courage to push him away and said embarrassedly, “Stanley, let go of me.”

“Stop moving, I’m feeling giddy.” Not only did Stanley not release her, but he also tightened his grasp.

Natalie’s brows furrowed. She was not used to being so intimate with him. Sorry for this, Stanley. Employing all the strength she had, she pried his hand away from her waist and effectively got out of his clutches.

a good rest,” mumbled Natalie as the back of her hand gently grazed his forehead. She leaned over to remove his shoes before tucking him into the blanket.

head and glanced at the door for a while before lying back onto the pillow and shutting his

just settled down in the suite’s living room before

arms. On the other side of the door stood the hotel

greeted Natalie with a wide grin and a deep

she gave him a polite smile and answered, “Hello, is there

functionality of the facilities in one of the bedrooms of this suite. We’re afraid it will cause you and your friend inconvenience. Hence, the hotel is upgrading you or your friend to move a special suite,” replied

“There’s a problem

know once she inspects the room,” the manager said as he gestured the cleaning lady to

handle and gestured for them to come

then pointed to the bedroom that

raised an

room she

studying Natalie closely. Her expression told him that the cleaning lady got the right

their bedroom door open when there were no guests around. Otherwise,

as soon as possible. But for now, I’m afraid it’s inhabitable. Would you or your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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