Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 250

“She’s already fine. As she did not swallow too much water and had received immediate medical attention, she’ll be alright after sleeping. However, the other patient is in a worse state. He might have to rest for a couple of days more,” explained the nurse.

Shane nodded in acknowledgment and waved his hands in dismissal.

After the nurse left, he sat down on a chair beside the bed. He could not calm himself down as he solemnly stared at Natalie, who was sleeping on the bed.

He came here to confirm if Jasmine was right. After what happened earlier, he was finally certain that he had indeed fallen in love with Natalie.

When she almost sank into the depths of the ocean, he was so anxious that it felt like his heart had stopped. If it were not for love, he would not have felt that way.

Shane touched his chest. His heartbeat seemed quicker than usual, which was something he had never experienced before.

“Mr. Shane!” An abrupt voice interrupted his thoughts.

Frowning, he placed his hands down and glanced over at the entrance.

Silas walked in urgently. “I found out that Ms. Smith did not fall into the sea on her own accord. Someone pushed her!”

pushed her?” Shane immediately sprang

The culprit is Andre’s daughter, who likes Dr. Quinn. She wants Ms. Smith to leave his side, but she

scoffed Shane

cause trouble to Natalie, but isn’t he doing

to talk to

deal with this?” Silas asked Shane, who had an unpleasant expression on his

his lips and replied,

Mr. Smith after she wakes up. From what he said, it sounds like he intends to send his daughter back after she apologizes,” replied Silas

coldly. “Someone almost died. How can a mere apology suffice? Delete our

the Hill family anymore? They

Hill family is not the only ones in this world who owns a diamond mine. It’s not like I have no choice but

Shooting a meaningful glance at Natalie, who was lying on the hospital bed,

after they apologize.” Shane waved

“Okay, then I’ll take my

acknowledgment and sat down again after he

massaged the sides of his temples. Then,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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