Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 261

“I’ve already eaten on the plane,” Natalie replied as she let go of Connor.

Sensing that his mother’s grip had relaxed, Connor pulled his thick blanket and snuggled back into bed.

The caretaker pulled down the bed table and put the thermal food jar on it.

Connor took up the spoon and ate away happily.

Natalie sat beside him, looking at her son lovingly as she wiped away the food at the corner of his tiny lips.

“Ms. Smith, have some water,” the caretaker said, offering her a cup of water.

Natalie put down the napkin in her hand and reached for the glass. “Thank you, Ms. Carter.”

“Sure thing,” she replied with a smile, “I met Connor’s doctor on the way back, and he told me that Connor could be discharged soon. I actually wanted to inform Ms. Lawrence, but since you’re back, I think I’ll just let you know.”

then.” Natalie

lark when he found out he could leave the hospital. He clapped his

within these walls, so she tapped his nose in a pampering gesture, suppressing a smile that was spreading on her face. She took up Connor’s medical record and walked out

Natalie picked up her things and headed back to

elevator, a tall

All the stuff in her hand slipped

himself. He stumbled a few steps back, and his glasses fell

back on in a haphazard manner, and started

on the floor when

this setting, and he adjusted the glasses on his face as he looked at Natalie with a smile. “Oh, hi! What a

I thought you’d be at your hospital,” Natalie

the sweat on his forehead and sighed. “I’m here to see

Natalie was

secured herself. But she refused to reveal the donor. So I have no choice but to look for backups just

indeed. But I thought corneas are all the same. Why is the patient

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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