Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 274

“Go on, go on! I’ll take good care of him.” Joyce waved her away.

Natalie smiled and thanked her. After nagging at Connor for a few more minutes, she finally picked up her bag and left.

When she got to an oriental wares street, she stood at the entrance of the alleyway. It stretched on so far that she couldn’t see the end of it—that was how long it was. Besides, the street was bustling with people. It was every bit as crowded as the street that sold vintage items.

Natalie took out her phone and, using the built-in GPS, finally found herself at the most famous collectible items store on this street.

The moment she stepped into the store, an employee came hurrying up to her with a smile on his face. “Welcome to our store! May I know what sort of teacup you’re looking for? We stock both dish and bowl.”

“Oh, definitely the bowl!” Natalie said as she glanced around the store, awestruck.

Mr. Moore wasn’t interested in the dish-style teacups. He much preferred the bowl-style ones.

“Here you go!” The employee pointed at a shelf to her right. “All of these are bowl-style teacups.”

him and walked over

attired very lavishly sat on the sofa with his eyes fixed on the security footage monitor in front of him. He brought the glass of wine to his lips and took a

examining a teacup very closely. Noticing that the air had suddenly gone quiet, he put

the wine around in the glass and

the security footage, he pushed his glasses up and yelped in surprise. “Dear me! Isn’t that the girl from the Smith family? I

him. “Mr. Blackwood, do you know

was the girl your grandfather selected as your fiancée before he passed. Back when he picked her out of so many others, I

I see. That’s interesting.

over the stem of the wine glass. “So you knew all along that

Blackwood nodded. “That’s

“Well, then, why have you kept the truth from me

the Smith family, he would never have agreed to get engaged with her, even if she had saved

on his hands and laughed bleakly. “Clearly, I misunderstood your intentions. When you got engaged with Jasmine five years ago, I thought you were truly enamored with her, so I decided

thin line. “I’ve never liked Jasmine

off the engagement, I could tell that the person you really love is Natalie. I’ve seen the way your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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