Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 328

“Okay!” Silas hurried after him.

At the site of the competition, Liam announced the end of the five hours and instructed the designers to begin dressing their models.

Without waiting for Natalie’s help, her model had already eagerly taken the outfit to the dressing room.

Natalie was rather amazed by her enthusiasm. She simply shook her head as she entered the dressing room to help the model with the dress and make any final alterations needed.

Soon, the runway show began. It was still held in the long conference room. They had pushed the tables and chairs away and laid out a red carpet, forming a makeshift runway for the show.

The runway walk would determine the outcome of the competition and was also the most anticipated part of the competition for the live audience waiting outside the room.

Natalie’s participant number was fifteen, so her model would be the second last to walk the runway. Jasmine’s was the last.

as they prepared for the show. The designers were restricted from entering backstage and could only view the show from both sides of the stage.

afraid?” Jasmine had come up beside

her lightly. “Why

you’ll lose,” Jasmine said as she lifted her

up on

Jasmine scoffed, “Of course!”

was one of Daphne’s early works that very few people knew of. She had taken a lot of effort to search for that design. Daphne was one

selected had a similar aura to the models that Daphne had used for her early works. With those two factors working together, she didn’t think Natalie could

But I don’t think I’ll lose.” Natalie tidied her hair, then turned to Jasmine with a smile. “Don’t forget, this isn’t the

Jasmine was stunned.

that and had regarded this as the

with Natalie and was so focused on her desire to win over her that she

she had hit the nail on the head. She laughed. “Looks like there’s not going to

her hands together, upset. “Even if this is not the finals and we’re not competing for victory, we still have audience votes! As long as I have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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