Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 340

But when she saw the other design drawing on the screen, her brows scrunched up with confusion.

Jasmine’s name was signed on that design. The dress in the drawing was short in the front and extended into a long train. On the train were complex embroidery patterns which looked extravagant and grand. From the looks of it, this gown was designed specifically for ancestral ceremonies.

Where on earth did Jasmine find this design?

Natalie glanced at Jasmine with a doubtful expression.

As though sensing her gaze, Jasmine turned to look at her, then broke into a triumphant smile and gave her a thumb-up.

Natalie was stunned slightly.

What the hell does that mean?

Is Jasmine giving me a thumb-up?

trying to make sense of this, Jasmine made an insulting gesture by turning her hand so that

over and Shane, who was currently watching the live stream, had an even

tongue in disdain. “Isn’t Jasmine afraid she’d provoke a

votes?” Shane squinted at the voting statistics below

place with votes that exceeded Natalie’s by

her votes were still increasing at very fast rate, which showed how well-received her

Natalie’s, so even though she’s showing bad behavior, netizens won’t call her out on it. Instead, they’ll praise her for having such a feisty character. After all, geniuses always have more

you really think that the design belongs to

was taken aback. “Mr.

masterpiece until

nodded and immediately left to carry out his

leaned back into his chair, folded his arms over his chest,

the venue of the competition, the voting time was up and the four contestants selected by Alfred had received their respective

and said into the microphone, “The top four have been selected. Congratulations are in order. Let’s give these four designers a round of applause before inviting them to come up and

the judges, audience, members of the Design Association and media reporters put their

other two designers stood up and bowed to everyone with smiles on their faces. Only Jasmine was unable to get up due to her leg injury, bowing as best as she could

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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