Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 350

Shane nodded gently in acknowledgement.

Natalie opened the lunch box and looked at the scrumptious dishes. She squinted and asked, “Is this from the Imperial Gourmet Restaurant?

“Mm-Hmm. It tastes really good. Besides, they provided many different dishes. The two kids love it.” Shane placed his hands on the seat.

Natalie glanced at the two children.

Imperial Gourmet Restaurant was a world famous restaurant. It was well-known for its unique dishes. How could they not love it?

“By the way, how much was it? I’ll pay you.”

As she spoke, she started to dig in her purse.

Meanwhile, Shane’s facial expression turned cold instantly. “No need. It was just a meal.”

She doesn’t want to owe me anything.

Natalie noticed the displeasure in his tone. She paused and lifted her gaze to look at him. She suddenly understood something when she saw his handsome face became dark.

was just a meal. It clearly meant nothing to Shane. However, the way Natalie hurriedly pay

money. She quickly put her purse

Shane expression instantly became much more pleasant. “It’s nothing. Hurry

then passed the fork to

you.” Natalie accepted it with a smile and started

moment, Shane phone

his phone. After seeing the caller ID, he picked up without hesitation.

when she heard that

strange. He

him and Sharon to keep quiet. At the same time, she pointed at Shane with the other finger to let them know that he was talking over the

two children understood her signal. They nodded obediently and kept their

and her two children from the corner of his eyes, a smile flashed across his face. For a split second, he asked the person

was expressionless but sounded weakly. “Shane, I’m not feeling well right

looked at Natalie and the two kids.

of the two kids if

It’s not possible for Natalie to take care

was a little surprised. She looked at Shane with a

thought that Shane would turn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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