Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 353

“That’s right.”

“Aright, I get it. I’m going to get those items for you right now!”

“Please be quick,” Natalie reminded her again before hanging up the phone and entering the meeting room.

In the meeting room, everyone had basically arrived. Even Jasmine and the two designers had also taken their seats.

Natalie glanced at them for a moment before walking toward her seat.

As soon as she passed by Jasmine’s seat, Jasmine suddenly stretched her leg to block her way.

Since Natalie was caught off-guard, she tripped over Jasmine’s leg. She screamed as her body was about to fall to the floor.

Those in the meeting room and live stream viewers were all stunned. However, only Jasmine’s lips quirked as she was looking forward to seeing Natalie injured severely due to the fall.

Natalie was about to fall flat on her face, a reporter noticed it and pulled Natalie up in

pale-faced. After thanking the reporter, she turned around and glanced at Jasmine coldly. “You did it

Jasmine looked into her eyes and pretended not to understand what

stretched your leg out to make me trip over

in the room

tripped over because Ms.

and there is no uneven level. She stumbled only

Jasmine, you went

here for quite some time. Besides, I have

that no one would notice that she stretched her legs. Also,

evidence to prove your claim. What can you do to

guess what was on her mind. Natalie pursed her lips and gave her a

the commotion in the meeting room, he wore a grim expression and asked, “What’s the

me to explain what happened,” An eloquent reporter immediately explained what went

and said, “I know that some less talented designers refuse to work hard and always resort to using underhanded ways. But I’m shocked to find out that they are

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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