Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 359

Shane raised his head from the computer, revealing his dashing face.

He didn’t look at her phone. Instead, he raised his eyebrows and remarked, “I know. She is extremely talented in design. A trivial competition like this isn’t much of a challenge for her.”

“You really are confident in her abilities,” Shane commented with an awkward smile.

Shane returned his attention to his computer. “I’m not the only one. Her talent is good enough to inspire confidence from everyone.”

“Is that so?” Jacqueline’s gaze darkened and didn’t say another word.

After a while, when she saw that Natalie’s design was almost finished and all that was left was to color it, she took a screenshot while Shane wasn’t looking. After that, she flipped aside her blanket.

“Shane,” Jacqueline blushed as she called out to Shane shyly.

Shane looked at her. “What is it?”

“I want to go to the bathroom.” Jacqueline slid her phone back into her hospital gown.

didn’t think too much of it. After putting his laptop aside, he helped her out of bed and into the bathroom. “Will you be fine by yourself? If not, I’ll

gentle smile. “Although I’m

she closed the bathroom

minutes, she came out and

moment she settled down, she retrieved her phone from her

the competition venue, Natalie

were dancing across the paper, she managed to do so

made, the

how confident Natalie looked, she was

to be completed while all she had was a blank

Jasmine stared at the piece of paper in front of her in despair. Despite feeling indignant, there was nothing she could do as she just couldn’t

and quickly threw a crumpled paper ball on top of her

what went through her mind, she covered it with her hand by reflex and turned to look at the

smiled at her and gestured for her

paper ball discreetly. There was a message on it: Head for the washroom if you

shock as her heart

her, she knew she had to take the risk if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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