Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 386

“So how? Have you thought it through?” Harrison asked in a relaxed manner while sipping coffee after the call went through.

Natalie gripped her phone tightly and replied with a sneer, “My answer is still the same. I don’t agree!”

Harrison’s expression darkened and he put his cup down heavily on the coffee table. “You’re still not willing to relent? Didn’t you see those nasty comments targeted towards you on the Internet?”

“I did.”

“Why are you still behaving in this manner since you have seen them? Do you want them to continue scolding you?” Harrison slammed the table furiously.

Shane still had his gaze fixed intently on the woman’s phone.

Natalie noticed the man’s interest in the conversation. In addition, because of the fact that he had also been dragged into the matter, she switched on the loudspeaker on her phone before replying, “Mr. Smith, you don’t have to pretend that you’re thinking for me. It’s really fake. After all, aren’t you the mastermind behind all these?”

himself. Letting out a cold snort, he said, “You were the one who forced me to take that step. If you were willing

But how about Mr. Shane? What did Mr. Shane do to offend you?” Natalie looked up at the man in front of her as she spoke

his eyes but

Harrison frowned as he replied in confusion, “What has this got

him to break off his engagement with Jasmine. Have you ever considered

that. He shuddered nervously and

had never

Natalie. While doing that, he had never considered

that she had hit the bull’s eye when Harrison did not reply. As such, she continued speaking while looking at Shane, “Looks like you’ve indeed failed to consider that. If that’s the case, do you think Mr.

Shane suddenly answered, without any

the sofa when he heard the man’s voice and asked, “Natalie, is

him? Wouldn’t it be normal then that he’s at my place?” Natalie said as she leaned against the

sent Harrison into

now, wouldn’t that mean that he has

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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