Chapter 1408 Joyce Is In Love

Indeed, the school that Connor went to was an elite school. Sharon wasn’t as smart as Connor, so she was still attending classes at kindergarten.

As Connor was too smart, he stopped attending classes at the kindergarten a while ago. Shane arranged for the little boy to attend an elite school to equip him with knowledge from various fields.

Only those below sixteen with a high IQ would get to enroll in the elite school. Connor was only six, and he was too young to attend ordinary schools. As such, this elite school was just perfect for him.

The reason he loved the elite school was that he no longer had to pretend to be an ordinary child. Back then, he was forced to keep his knowledge to himself in order not to deal a blow to his friends.

At his new school, he was able to discuss with everyone any topic he was interested in. He no longer had to worry about scaring his teachers and his peers.

Thus, Connor was obviously more cheerful now.

Back in kindergarten, he often idled around. He did a one-eighty after going to his new school and was now more upbeat.

That was when Natalie belatedly realized that her idea of sending Connor to kindergarten so he could enjoy a normal and happy childhood was wrong.

so the only way to make him happy was to allow him to do what he wanted. That would allow him

to force Connor to experience a happy and

genius like Connor, he would be able

rested in the living room for a while before grabbing

gossiping together. Curious, she asked, “What are you guys


chatting about? I heard Joyce’s

In the end, one stood out and said, “Well, we all think that Ms. Rivers is acting

Natalie shot Joyce’s office an

on her phone. She also kept grinning, so we were

Joyce had never shown any signs that she was dating


man could stand

proved that she was dating someone else. The employees

about who Joyce’s boyfriend could be, and how he could stand the difference between her attitude at work and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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