Chapter 357

“Then follow me!”


The two of them hit it off, took a couple of steps forward, and then realized that Estelle was still standing there, speechlessly watching them.

Manley suddenly realized, “I forgot about Este!!c!”

Magdalen chuckled, grabbed Estelle’s wrist, and dragged her upstairs.

The decoration and layout upstairs were the same style as downstairs, with dim crystal chandeliers and thick carpets. As they passed by, some waiters showing off their sexy charm to Manley, it seemed that they were quite familiar with him.

They walked to the private room at the end, opened the door and went in. Two people were already sitting inside, both looking like businessmen dressed in suits, very refined, as if they were there to discuss business.

Estelle’s gaze flickered, wondering why Manley had brought them to such a place?

“Mr. Scott!” A middle-aged man in a dark blue suit stood up, looking respectful, and reached out his right hand, “Nice to meet you!”

Manley kept his hands in his pockets and looked indifferent, “President Raye, sorry for the wait, sit down!”

raised her eyebrows, looking at the middle-aged man, she just had an idea of who he was.

withdrew his hand and looked at Estelle and Magdalen,

out a chair for her to sit down.

looked at Estelle, his eyes somewhat surprised, and his smile deepened a bit. He asked the waiter

at Manley next to her and asked him what the hell he wanted


of her was Hooper’s father, the chairman

the previous incident already passed?

speaking affectionately with a smile, “Don’t

be here

rolled her

about ice cream? Obviously not!

nearby, and just as Estelle was puzzled, more people came

in front of him, looking somewhat



Immediately stood up,

Mr. Daly was a woman who entered. Estelle squinted her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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