Chapter 98 Life-threatening


Not returning to her office, she took the elevator to the top floor of the building.

The wind on the roof of the 58-story high-end office building

was even colder than that below.

Today’s weather was very good. The sky was blue, and the white clouds were floating one after another. She walked to the fence on the edge, put her hands on the top, and looked down at the stream of people and vehicles at the bottom of the building.

It was unknown if it was because the wind was too strong, but

the mist in her eyes became heavier and heavier, gradually condensing into crystal-clear liquid and falling down.

Thinking of what had happened in the conference room, she was angry and aggrieved. She shouted as if she was venting her anger, “Huston, you bastard! You used your position to take revenge! You scumbag!”

As soon as she finished shouting, her throat burned. She pounded on the railing to vent her anger, and the depression

in her hear

He criticized her in front of so many people, but he really didn’t take her seriously at all. Even if he cared about her a little, he wouldn’t do that to her when she was down.

Ever since she gave the video to Nora, he had never taken her seriously. But she was just thinking about the unborn child, not for Jerry. What else did he want?

Or did he just want to find an excuse to push her out?

more she thought about it, the more baffled she became. She simply sat down on the steps, put her

whole face in

in her pocket kept vibrating, but she didn’t answer it. After venting her anger

know how to maintain her relationship with

calmed down after a while. But judging

he not calm down, but he

she had

to be at a

catch him.

blowing through her body. She was alone on the quiet rooftop. Suddenly,

a black figure walking toward the stairs on the

crossed the railing and stood

surprise, she rushed over without

emotional. He held the railing with one hand and gestured at her with


calm down

met with the scene of the

lottery ticket or go home to


meters tall. He was medium-sized and had dark skin. He was wearing a black jacket with a small brand logo on the

lawsuit, but he had

end it all.

a lawyer. If you need anything, just tell

was obviously surprised.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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