Chapter 105 Be in the Spotlight

Evelyn’s injury was connected to the HM Law Office and the

incident involving jumping off a building. Someone leaked the

news secretly, and it became the headlines of the day.

Some people said that HM Law Office had indeed done something wrong to that man, so he chose to jump off the building.

Some people said that the person involved was unreasonable and deliberately looked for trouble. He just wanted to get

some compensation.

For a time, there were all kinds of opinions. Reporters from all walks of life waited at the various exits of the building every day in order to interview Huston. Even if they couldn’t meet

Huston, it would not be bad if they could meet someone from

HM Law Office.

However, the people in HM Law Office had always been very

rigorous, and no one would take the initiative to say anything.

With the efforts of HM Law Office’s public relations

department, the popularity of the news faded a little in a few


Huston had given an order not to implicate Evelyn in this matter, so Evelyn had been neglected from beginning to end.

One day, a relatively unknown media company published

an article about Huston and Evelyn, which caused an instant sensation and thrust Evelyn into the spotlight.

were all exposed to the public. It was like a

so-called truth

about it, and Evelyn was kept

the dark.

had almost recovered that

mobile phone and learned what had happened in

read all the reports about this matter. She found that many details that only

were also released.

Office, her past experiences, and even

Law Office and her superior,

lawyer handling her divorce lawsuit. With

easy for people

and guessed more.

disloyal woman, and Huston was slandered and suspected.


of gossip and rumors, which likely wouldn’t

been quietly fanning the flames.

but she couldn’t get through to


the accident, she had been in

body had basically returned to normal,

life before. And now, he seemed to disappear

on the edge of

talk to about these things.

Ben went home to pack up,

hurriedly got

Mr. Harrison, why

you here?

and said,


sat on a

almost healed.” She was very cautious when facing Matt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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