Chapter 110 What if She Was Kidnapped?

The moment they brushed past each other, the man’s

expression changed. As thoughtful as he was, he immediately guessed it. His thin lips opened slightly as he asked Matt, “Did you tell her?”

Matt didn’t admit it, neither did he deny it. He said, “Since she

is here, let her in first.”

Huston didn’t say anything but pursed his thin lips coldly.

Matt took two quick steps forward and let out a long sigh as if

he was afraid that Huston couldn’t hear him clearly. He said,

“All kinds of people are coming and going in the club. What if someone kidnapped her because she was alone and looked

so innocent and harmless? I’m really worried…”

The man next to him suddenly stopped.

Matt failed to stop in his tracks. He took a step forward

subconsciously and realized that he had already surpassed

Huston. He raised his hand to touch his nose and stepped

back again.

“Ask the driver to send

in charge of delivering the message. If you want to do so, you can say it

his eyes slightly

“All right, keep being stubborn. You’ll regret it

charge of leading the way awkwardly shifted his gaze away. He hung his head and muttered in his heart, “I can’t hear

a long while, a sharp light flashed through Huston’s eyes. He hid the unnatural expression on his face

“Let her in.”

walk away, Matt heaved a sigh of relief and quickly asked

felt a little distressed and asked, “Are you all right?”




“Are there

for me to

industry, but it won’t be inconvenient. I’ll simply introduce you as my friend,”

you’re ready.”

a moment before

in with you.”

so brave. He


Huston sat down in the private room, he

didn’t plan to bring female companions

a beautiful girl with Matt, everyone made fun

we agree on a men’s meeting, Mr. Harrison? You broke your promise,” a

jacket sitting next to him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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