Chapter 192 A Very Special Person

The two of them stood behind her and did not move. They looked at each other, and Stella spoke first, “Evelyn, I know what you’re thinking. You won’t let the two of us go. Don’t think. that you’re with President Lloyd. Why are you pinching me?”

Lisha wanted to remind her not to say anything, but she didn’t expect Stella to say it directly. Lisha looked at Evelyn awkwardly, with some fear in her eyes.

When Evelyn saw this, she, who had been a little angry, suddenly became a little cheerful. In fact, everyone wanted to make a name for themselves when they arrived at the

company. Women often talked about maintenance and dressing up or gossiping. She did have a bad reputation. before. Lisha’s conclusions were wrong, but there were rumors about Stella Greene, so it was not a big mistake.

Compared to Stella, Lisha didn’t seem so detestable.

Evelyn withdrew her gaze and tidied up the documents. “I don’t want to do anything. As long as you don’t make trouble for me in the future, I won’t say anything.”

Evelyn had just wanted to explain, but it sounded like she was showing off in Stella’s ears as if Evelyn was showing mercy


act so grand.

and you don’t usually have much interaction with me. Do you know me? Do you know me? You just don’t have to slander me at all. If I had wanted to argue with you a long time ago, I wouldn’t have waited until now. Do you think

loud and clear, making Stella’s face look powerless to refute because this was

what she had done before, her face

though Lisha’s voice was very soft, Evelyn was able to hear

her in disbelief. “What are you

really bad.” Lisha even tried to persuade

to a single word

reflect on his mistake at all. Stella let go of Lisha’s hand and said angrily, “You’re

around and left. Those who didn’t

were only two people left in the copy room, and Lisha was still standing

raised her hand to pat her on the shoulder. After all, there had been so many conflicts before, so she couldn’t say anything nice.

raised her head in disbelief. “Don’t you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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