His tone was playful, but actually, he was serious.

Everett looked ahead.

There was no light in the car, and his eyes were dark.

“Do you think I need to follow you?” Preston shook his head.

“There’s no need.”

So, he wasn’t following him but Olivia…

Preston’s heart sank and he looked at the man sitting next to him.

The back seat of the car was dark, with only the street lights coming in from time to time.

He couldn’t see Everett’s face, let alone his expression.

He didn’t know what Everett was thinking.

Preston frowned and said, “Why are you following Olivia?”

First, Olivia was now Brayden’s fiancée.

Second, he and Olivia had already divorced, and the woman he loved was Melody.

With these two reasons, why did he still follow Olivia? Preston couldn’t figure it out.

finally looked

“Are you curious?”

asked back, and his unique

curled up

“Yes, I’m curious.”

“Why are you curious?”


to blurt out, but he stopped himself at

a deep breath, suppressed his

designer.She is the main force of the new brand.I appreciate her very

“You’re attracted to her.”

air in the Visit https://novelebook.com to read the newest content, everyone! an instant, his subtle attitude changes

like a snake lurking in the dark and said, “Preston,

snapped in Preston’s

clenches and looked

not see each other’s faces in the dark, but they could catch each

me, You love Melody, but you followed Olivia, your ex-

atmosphere in the

moment, there was

answer Preston’s

the car was parked in

hotel outside and turned to Everett, “Everett, the moment you can answer my question is the

door, got out of the car, and

did not look at him but looked

and he said, “Go back

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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