Scarlett hesitated for a while. “Yeah.”

Though she felt it inappropriate to deceive people, if this person was Raymond, it was another matter.

Raymond suddenly said, “Then I’ll send it to you.”

After speaking, Raymond’s face became stiff, as he felt that he behaved as if he was deliberately pleasing her. To ease his mind, he added, “Just treat it as compensation for the divorce.”


Scarlett hardened her face. “No need.”

She took out the car key from her bag and unlocked the car.

The red Ferrari was very eye-catching. With a “beep”, everyone around them subconsciously looked over.

Scarlett got into the car directly, closed the door and backed the car out of the parking space to leave.

Alexander came out after completing the formalities. When he saw Raymond fixedly watching the Ferrari’s rear end, he raised his eyebrows. “Is it really Scarlett?”

Raymond heard his voice and shot him a cold glance.” Have you finished all the formalities?”

“Yeah. Mr. Shaw, I’ll send them to you tomorrow!”

Raymond snorted coldly. “Go back.”

Raymond walked to his car, with a blank expression on his face. Then

Raymond, but he didn’t expect that Raymond would not even give him a

went back to the car

Stephen replied two words to him. “No


an hour after the auction ended, the competition for the piano between Scarlett

returned to the villa. Alexis had just finished recording the show. She was sitting in the dressing room and removing her makeup while chatting

really have a

most in this world. Did Raymond shout at you? If you

her lips. “Sorry. I care about

this world, who would like

words, Alexis suddenly got stuck for words. “…Then how about being pitiful

an hour ago, Raymond said he could send me the

this is

“But I refused.”

“…You’re amazing!”

a rejection of the stock that was worthy

hands to rub her temples.” Actually, I feel a little regretful

there was a price to be

Hreegronia Corporation’s shares, Scarlett still couldn’t help

a joke.Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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