Chapter 296

The next day.

Flora didn’t wake up until almost noon. After lunch, she decided to take a stroll. Gavin, who’d been waiting at the estate entrance, called out to her.

“Hey, Ms. Floral

“What’s up?” Flora tumed to look at him.

“Could you come with me to TechHQ? I’ve got some computer issues and could really use your help, Gavin said, looking a bit sheepish. The previous day, after returning to TechHQ, Gavin had raved about Flora’s skills to the boss. Now, both the boss and the rest of the team were eager to meet her

“Sure,” Flora replied without hesitation, She was bored anyway and figured it might be fun.

Gavin, thrilled, led Flora into TechHQ. The place looked a lot like a cyber cafe, with long rows of desks, each topped with a computer. As soon as they walked in, Flora was greeted by the rapid clatter of keyboards and the clicking of mice.

“What have you been doing lately? Have you even been training? Look at your hand speed–it’s terrible!” The boss was berating someone whose head was hung low in shame.

“Uh, boss, I brought Ms. Flora, Gavin said, clearing his throat

The boss looked over his eyes lighting up as he quickly approached Flora. “Ms. Flora, Gavin tells me you fended off that cyber attack from The Red Scorpions?”

“Something like that,” Flora said casually

The boss seemed skeptical. Flora, with her delicate appearance, didn’t look like someone who could have such impressive skills. But Gavin wasn’t known for lying.

“Ms. Flora, could you test your reaction time for us?” The boss led her to a computer set up for this purpose. “Just click the mouse as soon as the software starts.”

To make sure Flora understood, he had Gavin demonstrate. The software, designed by the boss himself, was meant to test reaction times crucial for hackers, where both skill and speed mattered.

Flora blinked, not really getting the point of this test, but she didn’t argue. She sat at the computer and, as soon as the software started, clicked the mouse just like Gavin had shown her

Everyone crowded around to watch, curious to see if Flora was as skilled as Gavin had claimed.

the mouse. The screen displayed the result: 0.04 seconds.

a mix of surprise and disappointment. This was hardly impressive- even the slowest member of TechHQ could manage

exaggerated? How could someone with such a poor reaction time be a

know if her time was good or bad but figured it wasn’t

coughed awkwardly. “For a woman, that’s not

and the rest of the team dispersed, ignoring Flora as if she didn’t

Flora, let me take you back, Gavin said,

think much of her, so there wasn’t

then, an alarm blared.

from The Red Scorpions!” the boss shouted, quickly sitting down to patch

Flora behind. The rest of the team crowded around, trying to see

The leader of The Red Scorpions was a top–tier hacker, rarely matched by anyone in

as the screen filled with complex code, making


a message appeared, “Grandson, I’m your

nearly smashed the computer in frustration. The Red Scorpions were mocking

calm, feminine voice. A pair of slender, pale hands appeared in

Chapter 296

The next day

didn’t wake up until almost noon. After lunch, she decided to take a stroll, Gavin,

out to her

“Hey, Ms. Floral

tumed to look at him

issues and could really use your help, Gavin said, looking a bit sheepish The previous day, after returning to TechHQ, Gavin had raved about Flora’s skills to the boss. Now both the boss and the rest of the team were

hesitation. She was bored anyway and figured it might be

cafe, with long rows of desks, each topped with a computer. As soon as they walked in, Flora was greeted by the rapid clatter of keyboards

have you been doing lately? Have you even been training? Look at your hand

boss, I brought Ms. Flora, Gavin said, clearing

boss looked over, his eyes lighting up as he quickly approached Flora Ms. Flora, Gavin


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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