Chapter 301

Colton was one of the top enforcers in the agency, practically unbeatable. Hank knew better than to challenge him; he wouldn’t last more than a few moves against Colton’s skill.

“I’m talking about Lance!” Hank sneered, trying to mask his fear of Colton. “He’s too weak to be here. If he’d told me how weak he was sooner, I could’ve gone easy on him.”

Everyone at the agency clenched their fists in anger at Hank’s bragging.

Oh, Hank, they noted. They’d make sure to avenge Lance.

Flora stood up slowly, her gaze calm as it landed on Hank. “You keep calling others weak. Do you think you’re strong?”

Hank, who hadn’t been on the last mission and was clueless about Flora’s abilities, dismissed her as just a pretty face who’d won Connor’s favor. “Compared to him, I’m definitely stronger,” he retorted with disdain.

“Isn’t the agency’s assessment tournament in half a month?” Flora asked Colton quietly.

Though confused by her question, Colton nodded.

“In half a month, if Lance passes the assessment, you’ll leave the agency. Do you dare to bet?” Flora challenged.

Hank’s arrogance didn’t belong in the agency.

Flora’s voice, though soft, was clear to everyone.

could Lance, who had failed the assessment for three years, pass in

I’ll not only leave the agency voluntarily, I’ll bow three times to him. But if he fails,” Hank paused with a smirk, “he

wanted a reason to drive Lance away.

voice steady as she rubbed her wrists.

back,” she instructed


why would you make such a bet for Lance? Just for a moment of satisfaction?” Colton

Lance, regaining some strength, said

fixed on Flora with


in half a month, Lance will pass the assessment,” Flora stated, turning to face

of pulling strings?” Colton frowned. “The boss

only explanation Colton could think of for Flora’s confidence.

member of the agency for a duel.

stronger comes at a price. It’ll be hellish. Can you handle it?” she asked Lance

limitations but, looking into Flora’s clear, calm eyes, he felt a surge of confidence and

Flora, I can endure any hardship to

prove himself, Lance was ready for any challenge, even if it

and led Lance

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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