Chapter 319

“Techniques passed down through generations have their merits. How can you be so sure it won’t work?” Flora said, her voice steady.

Flora had learned this particular method from Jules. It was the same technique Jules had used to save Louie, who had gone into shock multiple times. Everyone had thought Louie was a goner, but Jules brought him back.

Yara snorted. “We’ll see. Just don’t come crying to me when he actually dies and you can’t handle the aftermath, Ms. Flora.”

Flora shot her a sideways glance. “Weren’t you the one who declared Adler dead before I even got here?”

Yara, fuming, turned her head away, unable to respond.

Hours dragged on, and Adler showed no signs of improvement. They replaced the charcoal over and over, and the medicinal herbs were applied repeatedly.

Zack, Pax, and Jason were losing hope, thinking it might be kinder to let Adler go peacefully instead of prolonging his suffering. But Connor was resolute, insisting they follow Flora’s lead.

Another half hour passed, and still, there was no change. Yara’s sarcasm grew more pronounced. “Looks like Ms. Flora’s method isn’t working after all.”

Flora, her eyes half–closed, ignored her.

In the room, Moss and Beck were shirtless, fanning the charcoal fire vigorously. Sweat poured off them like they’d just been pulled from a pond.

Everyone was drenched in sweat, parched, and exhausted.

moved!” Beck suddenly shouted. He had seen Adler’s finger twitch slightly.

His right hand’s finger twitched ever so slightly,

moving! Adler’s eyelids twitched!” Excited cries filled the room, hitting Yara like a boulder to the chest.

was supposed to


to the bed, finding Adler still lying there. She quickly looked away as Zack hurriedly

Seeing their friend waking up,

Flora! You’re amazing!” they exclaimed excitedly.

heartbeat and pulse were still weak. Her premature

disdain and dissatisfaction

but he’s not out of the woods yet. To fully recover, he needs another surgery. We didn’t get everything out of his head, which caused the shock and nearly killed him.”

fully!” Yara

hair with her delicate wrist. “You? Your lack of skill nearly killed him, and now he needs a

trusted Flora unconditionally. Jason and Pax were already on Flora’s side. Zack, though

from now on,” Yara said, taking a deep breath and turning to Connor. “Boss, besides me, no one here is qualified to perform the surgery. Please, trust me one more time. I’ll make

Otherwise, she would lose her standing for good.

else was

you know a skilled doctor, Ms. Flora?”

but by the time he arrives, it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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