Chapter 321

Flora’s chest heaved with fury. She’d never been particularly fond of Yara, but she hadn’t expected her to be so ruthless.

As a doctor herself, Flora knew the stakes. If her hand had trembled or slipped for even a second. Adler could have died. Yet, Yara had chosen that moment to attack!

To frame her, Yara had been willing to risk Adler’s life!

Unable to contain her rage, Flora slapped Yara hard. Twice. Yara hit the ground, her cheeks swelling and bleeding.

“Ms. Flora, what are you doing?” Yara whimpered, tears streaming down her cheeks, playing the victim to perfection.

Her sneaky actions had gone unnoticed by everyone else.

The three leaders were stunned to see Flora suddenly slap Yara.

“Ms. Flora, could there be some misunderstanding?” Zack asked, defending Yara, though his tone was far from friendly.

But considering Flora had just saved Adler, he was being unusually polite. In the past, Zack would have quickly labeled Flora as capricious, but now he was willing to consider the possibility of a misunderstanding.

Pax and Jason stayed silent, having interacted with Flora more. They knew she wouldn’t act without reason.

“Yara, I always thought your issue with me was because of Connor. I believed you were at least loyal to our base, which is why I let things slide,” Flora’s anger grew as she spoke. She stomped on Yara’s chest, each word emphasized with force. “You’re a doctor. You knew what your kick could do. If I hadn’t held steady, if my hand had shaken, Adler would be dead.”

Flora’s foot, shot back, “Ms. Flora, you can’t accuse me without proof… When did I kick you? You can’t

actions had been covert, hidden from view. Even if Connor believed Flora, punishing Yara without

three leaders exchanged uneasy glances. It was hard to believe. Yara had been with

couldn’t imagine Yara doing such a thing. But Flora lying seemed equally


Chapter 321


his voice dry. Pax and

be no other

surveillance,” Connor ordered

leaders perked up. The operating room had surveillance. Reviewing it would

quickly fetched the footage but returned with grim faces. “Boss, the surveillance

smirked, having anticipated this. She’d been bold

repair it, but the sabotage was sophisticated. Despite his efforts, he

away. I’ll take it

“We know Yara. There must be a

the computer,” Flora demanded, her face

handed her the laptop. But before

Connor’s face. Her eyes were slightly red from hours

Rest and leave this to me,”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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