Chapter 325

The Miracle Drug Has Arrived!

Chapter 325

Jason, Zack, and Pax were practically buzzing with excitement, every fiber of their being alive with anticipation. They quickly organized a team to welcome the arrival.

Just eight minutes later, everyone from the base gathered in the training field, their eyes glued to the slowly descending helicopter. The air was electric with excitement, except for Connor and Flora, who stood calmly at the back.

The helicopter door opened, and an elderly man in a white lab coat stepped down the stairs slowly.

“Jules!” Jason, Zack, and Pax gasped in unison. They had expected an assistant to deliver the miracle drug, not Jules himself!

Ms. Flora hadn’t given them any heads–up. They could have thrown a whole welcome ceremony!

“Master Jules, you’ve made it! Was the journey exhausting? We’ve got tea and snacks ready for you. Come inside and rest,” Zack said, his smile eager and almost too enthusiastic. They hadn’t received the miracle drug yet, so they were eager to make a good impression.


But Jules barely glanced at him, his eyes scanning the crowd for Flora. There were too many people, and his eyes began to strain. Why was everyone packed in here?

puzzled, tried again, “Master Jules,

Jules’s face lit up. He bypassed Zack, heading straight into the crowd.


the crowd out of the way, Connor and Flora

over to Flora, looking her up and down. “Have

well here?”

can make me feel

wrong you,” Jules frowned deeply.

Flora was at Ruby Path and had come to Empire Base. Otherwise, they would’ve brought more people to support her. This was Connor’s turf, practically like a second home,

Connor. Even Yara, a mere leader, had insulted Flora repeatedly, showing just how much she must have suffered here. Jules knew all this because of Yara, who had



Chapter 325

later, but once

Connor like this, but thinking of the hardships Flóra

why so hostile?” Flora looked at Jules, annoyed.

was heartbroken. Indeed, a grown daughter couldn’t be kept

never wronged,” Connor said, appearing unusually docile. He knew Flora valued Jules as a respected elder, which meant Jules was

Jason were stunned. Their boss had such a side? And Master Jules’s concern for Flora was beyond their wildest imagination!

indeed been wronged here. They had doubted her, looked down on her, even slandered her. For a girl in a new environment

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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