Chapter 353

Chapter 353

“Want one?” Flora pulled two oranges from her pocket and handed them to Cynthia.


Cynthia swallowed hard, her hands trembling as she took them. “Flora, if you don’t start trying harder, you’re not even going to pass,” she blurted out, unable to hold back any longer. Flora looked so calm and composed, it was frustrating.

Cynthia herself wasn’t doing great either, running in such a poor state that she was worried she wouldn’t make the cut. Flora raised her hands, interlocking her fingers, palms facing up, and stretched. She squinted against the sunlight, watching the crowd ahead of her.

“Alright, you stay safe. I’m off,” Flora said before she disappeared in a flash.

the ground with a soft thud. Flora had been running so poorly that the drone had switched to

hopes for Flora, expecting her to amaze them again. But

her into the national military base. She could be trained as a specialist. Jillian, on the other hand, seemed

with the University of Maple Grove about Jillian, our key candidate for versatile training…”

struggled to capture her, leaving only trails of her movement. The camera zoomed in on- her. Her face was flushed, lips curled into a smile, occasionally pulling an orange from her pocket to eat. She was as casual as could

still far ahead of most of the newcomers. After running

sped past them.

girl a warrior?” The boys were stunned. They had already run two kilometers, yet her speed was

than Jillian’s, quickly



Chapter 353

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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