Aisha glanced at the clock. "Almost time, they should be here soon."

Nathaniel, with a smirk that didn't reach his eyes, chimed in, "Oh really? Well, I guess I'll stick around and meet these so-called top students from Maple Grove University with you, Gregory." He laid heavy emphasis on the last few words.

Nathaniel found it hard to believe that any top-tier talent from Maple Grove University would choose to come to Gale Corporation. Every year, students from Maple Grove were snapped up by major corporations even before they graduated. Gale Corporation was, at best, a mid-sized firm. Why would the bright minds from Maple Grove University ever settle for this place?

The people behind him, catching Aisha's statement, wore expressions of scorn and disdain. They thought she was exaggerating, especially the two Maple Grove computer science graduates. These guys had coasted through college, doing just enough to pass. Even they looked down on Gale Corporation. If Gregory hadn't made them a generous offer, they wouldn't have bothered coming at all. The idea that the top computer science grads from Maple Grove would come to Gale? Laughable.

Aisha ignored their mockery and continued working. Around 9:45, her desk phone rang. She picked it up and the receptionist said, "Gregory, there are some young men here, saying they have an appointment with you..."



Nathaniel's face was all smiles, but inside he was skeptical, thinking Aisha was putting on quite the act. He couldn't wait to see how she'd handle this. He even planned to check their

here," Aisha responded, standing up and striding out of the office to welcome Ivan and his group. The fact that top talents from Maple Grove University were coming here was indeed a bit of a stretch... Thinking

then, Gregory and a few

now." Hearing this, Gregory and the shareholders looked at Aisha as if she were the punchline of a joke. Were they unaware of Aisha's staffing struggles? Was she dreaming, thinking she could invite the

capable, then. No wonder she wasn't impressed with

to see these Maple

shareholders, being Gregory's allies, didn't hold back in mocking Aisha. Their

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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