"Sure," Libby nodded.

Honestly, she thought Alexa was overthinking things. Even if she didn't help her study, there was no way Alexa would fail against Flora. Two months into the semester, and Flora had barely attended any of her professional classes.

Libby was known by all the teachers as the top student in the field. How could she possibly fail against Flora? She was determined to crush her underfoot!

Libby's thoughts drifted to the charismatic man she had met at the night market. Where was he now? She had been frequenting the night market these past few days, but hadn't seen him again. Libby was confident; given enough time, she was sure to make Connor fall head over heels for her.

Meanwhile, Shawn had just finished dinner with Flora and returned to the medical research lab. Alexa was already back and cleaning. When she saw him enter, she instinctively tried to hide. Shawn, however, didn't even glance her way and headed straight to Dr. Ray's office, knocking on the door before going in.

"Dr. Ray, you wanted to see me?"

"Shawn, come on in!"

stack of papers. Seeing Shawn, he waved him

submitted on Monday, and it's outstanding. It shows the

Was it really that good? It was just his usual work. He even thought it wasn't up to par and feared Dr. Ray would criticize him.

Dr. Ray said, handing Shawn the printed paper and pointing to the section in question. "What

his paper, alright, but it had

wonder Dr. Ray

asked, noticing Shawn's

contain his shock. "My

Suddenly, he felt like a fool for bringing Flora

you mean?" Dr. Ray

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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