Is this how the top students operate? Completely unfazed by their own grades. Flora's friends punched in her student ID to check her results. Even though they knew Flora would ace it, seeing all those perfect

scores still left them speechless.

Flora is just Flora! Absolutely amazing...


In the neighboring dorm, Libby had also just checked her grades. She had scored above ninety in four subjects and over eighty in three. Her roommate looked at her with envy.

"Libby, you're incredible..."

The exams had been brutal; most of them didn't do well and some had even flunked. Getting a ninety seemed like an impossible dream.

"You must be the top of the class."

"Probably the top of the entire department! I saw in the group chat that many people failed, and barely anyone scored over eighty."

weren't for Alexa's help, she would have only managed around seventy. Her current grades should easily secure her the top

some of her roommates, having failed a subject and now hiding under her blanket, crying? The thought gave Libby a rush of schadenfreude.

phone; she had to zoom in. With a double tap, the font size increased instantly, and the first

thud, Libby's


"Hey Shawn."

dorm, she saw Shawn and walked over

his hands together nervously, "Flora, you


alright, I

exceptionally tough this time, with seventy percent of students failing, and those scoring above ninety were even rarer, not to mention scoring above ninety-five in every subject. That's why he couldn't help but

my paper, right?" Shawn continued, still rubbing his hands, staring


was almost certain Flora had

you really are..." Shawn paused, searching for the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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