Flora gently bandaged Nina's wound and stood up, saying, "The poison in her system is pretty complex. I can't detoxify her right now; I can only ease the symptoms for the time being. If I'm right, as Nina grows older, the poison will make her sleep longer and longer until she never wakes up again."

Elio remained silent, which was as good as agreeing.

The lab planned to use this poison to control Nina and, through her, the entire Washington family. They'd only hand over the antidote if the family stayed in line.

He closed his eyes, pushing the dark thoughts away, then bent down to pick up Nina. He gave Flora a thorough once-over.

The young girl had clear, bright eyes-a good sign.

His gaze shifted from Flora to Connor, with a meaningful look. "I heard from the others that you had a fiancée, and I didn't believe it. Turns out it's true."

And to think, he'd spoiled her so much.

He's truly fallen for her.


Connor, what

doesn't need

sudden chill from him. She couldn't help but be curious about Connor's mother. Previously, Brianna had warned her not to

Connor and naturally didn't pay attention to his affairs. So now, she was completely in the

Elio wisely chose not to speak further and left with Nina

in a foul mood, Flora stepped forward, threw her arms around him, and said, "Connor,

"It's ready."

hair. Feeling the softness of the girl in his arms, Connor's anger eased significantly. The past was behind him. Now, he had Flora, and he was



eagerly let them through, completely ignoring Connor. Connor

with nine people, a

them. People like Rafael, Louie, and Howell-he'd seen them several times and could call them familiar. The others,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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