Flora's icy stare cut through the room, sending a shiver down Mr. Atticus's spine.

He took a deep breath, trying to squash the panic rising in his chest, and stood up, pretending to be calm. There was no way Flora would actually do anything to him, right? He was too important, representing a major medical organization. Surely, even the folks from Empire Base would think twice before messing with him.

Trying to muster some sense of authority, he put on a haughty facade. But Flora didn't even flinch. She just stared at him for a couple of seconds, then signaled Jason to take him away, without a word about their destination.

The fear of the unknown gnawed at him. As Jason led him away, Mr. Atticus watched Flora and Connor walking side by side ahead of him. They walked for what felt like an eternity, with no hint of where they were going, and the panic he had tried to suppress began to bubble up again, growing stronger and more uncontrollable. Finally, he couldn't hold back any longer. "Where are you taking me?" he blurted out. No one answered.

Mr. Atticus's anxiety skyrocketed, his mind spiraling with worst-case scenarios. Just thinking about the interrogation methods of Empire Base made his teeth chatter uncontrollably.

After a tense twenty minutes, they arrived at a clearing. Flora stopped, and Connor right beside her. Jason halted too.

he felt a warm trickle between them. His face flushed with shame. Never in his

want from me?" he demanded, his

they could see the square below, packed with representatives from various factions. Empire Base soldiers stood guard every ten steps, their expressions

Mr. Atticus's question, Flora started descending the stairs, with Connor following half a step behind.

square, the crowd began to

you letting

with this?

but all signals were jammed. They'd been imprisoned all night, forced to endure without proper facilities for eating, drinking, or relieving themselves. Those who couldn't hold

desperate to break free. But the moment anyone stepped over the red line, a gunshot rang out,

you go," Flora finally spoke, her voice calm and


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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