The National Medical Department is all about efficiency. You take the exam in the morning, and by the afternoon, you know your results and are ready for interviews.

So, after finishing their exams, everyone stuck around, anxiously waiting. By 2 pm, the results were up.

In the meantime, they were treated to a free meal in the cafeteria. While they were eating, Flora rummaged through her backpack for a napkin. Shawn, who was sitting nearby, caught a glimpse of a wristwatch in her bag. Curious, he asked, "Flora, did you get a new watch? I've never seen you wear one before."

The watch did look a bit odd...

Hearing this, Flora raised an eyebrow, picked up the digital watch with a chuckle, and casually tossed it back into her bag. Some people just can't help but attract trouble.


At 2 pm, everyone crowded around the digital display, nerves on edge.

"This test was brutal-I'm sure I got loads wrong," someone moaned.

"Same here. It was impossible. Every option seemed right, and even checking my work didn't help! Plus, there were so many questions on alternative medicine and foreign medical theories, stuff the average person wouldn't even know." "Didn't Flora turn in her paper just half an hour after the test started? She's amazing, finishing so fast."

"Big deal. Anyone can finish quickly if they just guess. What matters is how many she got right. If she made such a fuss and then fails, that'd be hilarious."

"How can you say that? What if she passed? I bet she scored at least seventy!" The speaker looked at Flora. "Right, Flora?"

bested members of medical organizations before. These questions

keep quiet any longer and stood up for

get that?" the initial speaker scoffed. "Forget seventy, let's

people estimated their scores

but it was a

really pull it

"Just because you're struggling

doesn't mean everyone net

should be a piece of cake right?"

Flora: "..."

saying, "It's kind of challenging." Making that

Flora's true thoughts, the ones

smiles faltering. Meanwhile theret

mocked her grew

Even Flora admits it's tough. She might

for the medical prodigy. She was so


annoying! I don't care

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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