Kas's POV


Tomorrow is the big day! I'm finally going home. Oh, my Goddess! Thinking about being able to sleep snuggle up to Bronx every night, being able to get into a routine with the pack, and continuing to hone my abilities, it all sounds perfect. For the first time in my life, | am truly looking forward to my future. | have hope in my heart. Lex is excited because she will have more opportunities to run on the Blood River pack territory. She is looking forward to the additional freedom. | can't blame her. As she has become stronger, she has more energy to burn. Some days | feel like | am vibrating from the inside out because she has trouble containing her energy.


I'm also really excited that Delilah and James get to stay together. They are so in love. Itis adorable to watch them together. Who knew such a ferocious warrior could turn into such a mushy little pup when he is around his mate? She is going to fit in perfectly with the pack.


Marco has been a trooper throughout this whole time. Sometimes | see him looking really glum when he doesn't realize anyone is looking. He and | become closer. | genuinely consider him my friend now, not just my guard. | do my best to joke around or bake for him, get his mind off of things, but | know what it feels like to be lonely. It's a bottomless pit that you just keep falling

down. There is no getting out of it unless someone throws you a rope and you catch it. I've decided I'm going to ask Bronx if we can give them both an extended vacation or a bonus or both. | don't know if it is appropriate or not, but | feel like they have sacrificed so much to be here to protect me, | can't just turn a blind eye. | want to show them my appreciation.


Lady Camille and the sisters of the coven have been so kind and generous. | know | have friends for life here. They have taught me so much about myself, how to let go of all the shitty things that have happened and hold on to the good. | don't know what! cando to show them my thanks, but | make a mental note to ask Delilah as soon as we get home and she's settled in.


They've taught me how to control my abilities, to not be ashamed of my own physical form, and to appreciate my spirit. My healer abilities still fascinate me. | still need to practice a lot to fully control it, but | find it beautiful to be able to cure someone or take away their pain. | can't wait to use them in real life. Also, | have a deeper connection to my mate. | can remember lifetimes of being with him and the closer our connection the more he will remember too. | have not had any premonitions while I've been here, but | promise Lady Camille if it happens, | will have Bronx bring me back right away.


One of the things the sisters have not taught me is fighting skills. They are pacifists and don’t believe in violence. James and Milo both agree | should at least know how to defend myself. We get permission from Lady Camille to at least practice blocking and escaping holds. She agreed, so in our free time, we practice basic moves. Just a few blocks and how to escape holds. We make sure we are still respectful of the sisters’ beliefs but still learning. :


| have a few last things to pack but | keep getting distracted by daydreams of being home and about the future.


Out of nowhere, a distinct tug pulls in my heart. Oww! :


"Lex, did you feel that?” | rub my chest from the sensation.


"Uh, yeah. Are you having a heart attack? You're only seventeen. You can't have a heart attack. Can you?" she asks, concerned about me.


“No, | feel like I'm fine, but something is wrong. | know that doesn't make sense," | feel my brows knit as the sharp pain turns

into a dull thud.


"Uh oh."


oh? No uh


mate, and we are feeling it because of


"Uh oh."


that only happens to mates who


Bronx are not regular werewolves, Kas,"


out of the room to find help. Marco is standing in the hall, on duty. | grab him by the hand and start pulling on him. | can feel tears starting to sting my


step, " Luna, | don't understand? What happened? The Alpha should be arriving in any minute.” | come to a sliding stop


out, "Please give Marco access to use his phone to call Alpha Bronx.


she stares at me


through my connection with my mate. Something's wrong. | can't tell what, | can just feel it,” | feel the tears threatening


looks at me trying to search for something,


Go ahead, Marco. Your phone should work now," she motions


his cell phone from his pocket, dials, and puts it on speaker. The


still be on the plane," Marco shakes


through in my voice. | need to calm down and think rationally, but there's no way that's going



you?" | hear Milo's deep voice on the


pushed the tears out of my


| think the jet was supposed to take off around five-thirty this morning. Let me check with Carly. Give me just a second. It's going


it under control," | try to smile at him,


other hand, to try to comfort me. Marco lets my hand go and pulls James to the side, speaking to him in a hushed tone. “Yeah, Carly says he took off at five thirty-five this morning. He should have landed, like, six hours ago. Maybe he doesn't have good reception on the way to


Lex snapped. | feel my skin

mind. “Lex! Stop! We can't shift right now!" | fight against her. | pull on her as hard as


ALPHA IS IN TROUBLE. FIND HIM NOW!" her voice booms into the phone, speaking directly


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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