Marco's POV


“Mister Sanchez, what can I do for you? I’m having a terrible day,” Katherine sighs into the phone.


“Katherine, we need your help. Something’s wrong with Kas,” I pace around the living room, cause ain't no way I can stand still right now.


“What’s wrong with her? Out with it,” she snaps. There ain't no concern for Kas in her voice. She just sounds annoyed. Kas was right about this bitch.

“She is hysterical, and it seems like she’s in a lot of pain. She keeps calling for Amari,” I explain as patiently as I can.


“Well, that is probably because Amari passed away sometime last night or this morning,” her voice is so cold and uncaring that you'd think she didn’t give a shit about Amari. It makes me feel like she just threw a bucket of ice water at me, “Just tell your Alpha to keep giving her all those hugs and kisses until she gets over herself.”

“Wait? What do you mean, Amari and her mate passed away?” I ask. How can she say it with no emotions, like it doesn’t matter that her sister died? °

“What don't you understand? She didn’t come down for breakfast, so I sent someone to fetch her. They found her and Jasen dead in their bed. Deceased, gone, kicked the bucket...0h, that's right, you're Hispanic...Muerte. Comprende?”


I'm trying to think of what Mama would say in this situation, even if this lady did just throw down her racist card on the table. I think she would say ‘Marco, sé amable ahora, sé enojado mas tarde’ [Be nice now, be mad later]. “I-I'm really sorry for your loss, Katherine”


“Aren't we all, Mister Sanchez? If Kas had just drank the damn wine Deon gave her last night, none of this would be an issue. She'll be fine. I'm sure what she is experiencing right now is the bond she shares with Amari breaking,” Katherine says, like it ain’t no thing and hangs up the phone on me.


Ilook at my phone, thinking about everything the woman just told me.

Dionysus was telling the truth. 

Katherine hired him to be at the event. '

None of this would be an issue.’ The wine was poison, and she knew it. She hired a god to kill her sister? Even thinking about it sounds crazy, but how else do you explain it?


‘Tell your Alpha to keep giving her all those hugs and kisses’. What made her say that? I put my hands on my hips and look around the room, trying to put the pieces of the conversation together.

“Carly?” I mind link her.


“Hi Marco, everything okay?”


here? Is this the only five star one

guests stay here. They


around again. You gotta be fucking kidding me. I’m so fucking


the stay short. Get everyone packed up. Contact the airport; get our flight switched

Marco, what's going

an hour. Mind link communication as much as possible. I know you can't with Delilah, so just talk as little as possible


I'll let you know when the cars are


phone call I just had. It's time to leave. Carly is already making arrangements,” I switch my mind link


the rest of the ladies into the bedroom at the back of the plane to see if they can help Kas feel better.


Tyree asks with a surprised look when I finish


and goddesses backstab each other all the time. No loyalty. I mean, I can't believe Katherine did it to Kas cause that's her damn sister and if you ask me, it sounds like she killed Amari and Jasen too. Ain't no way them two just woke up dead after being perfectly healthy yesterday,” I


microphones in the walls and mini cameras hidden. They were watching us the whole time,” James says leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, “I should have been more thorough when we checked in.”


do everything we can to protect Kas from Katherine. When I spoke to Milo last night, he said Tessa is doing really well at Blood River. She’s a good security strategist and an expert in


Katherine, Tessa breaks down again and is useless for the rest of the day. Think of it like when you guys were on Ops teams and had to rescue hostages. It takes

handing her off to her family. We should plan on her staying with us long term. She's one of us now


Tyree mumbles under his

arms in front of himself, “ When we get home, we're regrouping with our Beta and Gamma to come up with a better plan. To protect Kas


gentlemen?” Musu, Carly, and Diane are standing by the curtain at the


Bronx jumps to


fine,” Diane reassures him, "She

to death, but he sits down and glares at me


three vials of green liquid in

I try to smile, but her puffy eyes and red nose make


be,” she sniffles, “I have no choice. Please sit


bed, “Alright, whatever you got to say, make it quick before your husbands take turns murdering me for being


moved the timeline

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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