I held Aliana under the running cold water, and everything she said raced through my mind.

I had known it would come to this. I was surprised she had waited this long before discussing her father’s predicament with me.

Unknown to her, I had received various reports requesting I go easy on Gabriel because of his health; even Qusack had discussed it with me. Qusack had brought it up yesterday during our private talks, and I had shut him down. I thought Aliana had discussed the matter with her Qusack before meeting me.

The fear in her eyes got to me, and the fact that I had made her cry got to me. I knew I had to control myself. How can I say I love her when I am unwilling to listen to her and make her happy?

The fear of losing her father showed in her eyes, and even though we had separate opinions on the matter, I had to let her have her way.

I knew if I refused her request, she wouldn’t be happy. I cursed at the difficulty of the situation.

Somehow, I believe the fear of discussing her father with me had made her sick.

Bane and I were mad at ourselves for using our command on her. She was a beta werewolf; it was too much for her to handle. I do not know why I ordered her the way I did. I needed to watch my temper when with her.

While I held her under the shower, I thought of what she told me her father told her about the event.

It sounded plausible, but could he prove it?

If he did not go on for years, making people believe he had liberated the werewolves of Forest by defeating my father in a battle, I would have been a bit lenient. But the story that was spread among the werewolves and the Lycans was that he led a mutiny against my father and killed him. He might have told his daughter this so he could seem innocent. I would not let my love for Aliana cloud my judgement where Gabriel was concerned.

He was still my enemy, but I would no longer trouble him. I will let him be and ignore him.

I will let him live so Aliana will not be alone.

I aim to please her, and that is what I would do.

No amount of hatred would keep me from making the woman I love happy. Other than killing Gabriel and ending his lineage, I had done everything I had promised and set out to do. I had done everything except ascend as King, and I was on it.

Ending Gabriel’s Lineage would be wrong since he was the one that saved my mother’s life and gave me a chance to breathe. I would give him back that gift of life.

I held Aliana under the shower, and soon she began to shake from the cold.

I will have to have her tested in the morning. I cannot let her fall sick. I needed her to be healthy and strong.

wore her a

to fear she had been poisoned or exposed to

suspect Erica, Gezel and my

she could fool me, knowing she was connected to me now. I could easily sense her

knew she loathed Aliana. If she could have her way, she would end her life. She

bed?” I

she had cried. I did not know I was frozen on the spot until she snapped

Her nose was red, and her eyes were swollen. I had made her cry. I felt guilty. I went to the closet, put on my shorts, and

you want to sleep in the bathrobe?” I asked her, and she shook her head

pulled her into my arms

slightly, snuggling into my arms “I am sorry I made you cry, Little wolf. Please do not fear me. The world can be afraid of me but not you. I can never harm you,” I whispered to her, and she held on to my arms around her waist

sorry I made you

I had

I want to control you. I can never dream of it. I would have remained silent if it weren’t

Little wolf,” I said, but we both knew it wasn’t certain. To be with her, I would have to jump many

everyone, she was

know that until I had achieved what I set out to achieve. That way, we

promise I won’t get involved with your methods again, but please look into what my father told me. I want to

to look into the matter. All my time now was aimed towards securing Forest and taking the crown. I had everything planned out. I will strive to be

I do not intend to give Aleksander or Fredrick a monopoly. I also planned to search for and

Forest and set my own rules in my kingdom. The Unity law will no

I will publicly proclaim Aliana as my queen, and we can freely be together and

might feel deceived, but that will be his problem. He will have no choice but to trade with

Aliana tightly; I just needed her

I get the crown, you wouldn’t doubt my love,

we remain a secret than to have the Snow King come for you and your birthright because of me. My love is willing to make a sacrifice because I know you will do the same,” She said quietly, and her words cut me

this?” I said, and she turned around

down to get the crown,” She said, and I tightened my jaws. I

both of us,” She said quickly, but I

I asked, wanting to hear the vile thing she must

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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