My mother’s visit greatly irritated me, but I calmed down. I spent time pacing about the room and thinking of what to do.

I knew it wouldn’t be easy. As things were, I wished I could settle for being Alpha of Forest, but that would subject me to the Unity law. I might be attacked, tried and persecuted for breaking the unity law. I needed the crown. I just had to be wise about it.

A few hours later, someone knocked on my door. I went to open it because whoever it was, was afraid of knocking. I could tell the difference between a confident knock and an unsure knock.

I opened the door and saw a blonde werewolf slave holding a tray.

She looked in her early forties, but she was beautiful. I saw a mark on her neck that indicated she was claimed. It was the mark of a Lycan and not a werewolf. She also had a distinct Lycan scent. Something like what I did to Aliana. A Lycan had marked her.

I wondered who would be able to claim a werewolf in the Snow.

The collar on her neck indicated she wasn’t free, so I figured the mark might have gotten her in trouble.

It disgusted me to see that they collared people in Snow.

I could understand why those that had the opportunity to escape would escape.

The woman held a tray of food and averted her gaze from mine.

“I am here to serve your meal, your highness,” she said, and I wondered why she would refer to me as a prince.

“I am just an alpha. No need to treat me as royalty,” I cautioned her in case it was Fred*ic*ks’s trap.

She entered the room and placed the food tray on my table.

“To me, you are royalty, your highness. I come from Forest,” She said, and I could understand why she would refer to me as that. News must have travelled about me.

It seemed the woman had something to tell me but decided against it last minute.

“His Majesty asked us to bring you female company. Would you be interested in werewolves or Lycans?” She asked, and I shook my head.

“Neither, thank you,” I said, and she paid her respect and left.

I observed her closely and realised she wasn’t just any slave; she had a brand on her neck that indicated she belonged to the King.

The bastard.

He said I had a werewolf mistress. I doubted she was just cooking and cleaning for him. I bet the scent was his. The woman was too pretty and well-kept to be an ordinary slave.

Since he did not reek of werewolves, I couldn’t accuse Fred*ic*k, but then again, he had organised the meeting, so he had time to get rid of her scent. I knew he was sleeping with the woman. He was incapable of passing off the beauty.

I ate the meal and decided to sleep early so we could wake up before five and leave. I had linked Abraham, Qusack and my mother to inform them of my plans.

I was about to lie down when a confident knock sounded on my door.

“It is opened!” I called out, and the person turned the knob.

I knew it was King Fredrick because of the confidence of the knock. His scent was faint while he was at the door. It was also familiar.

It was like that of the slave werewolf that had served me.

he trying to tell me something? I

I wanted to wipe it away by telling him I knew he was screwing a werewolf, but somehow I knew he wanted me to know, so

he said, and I fought the urge to growl at

you would spend a day with me,” he said, and

me my rights and expected me to be happy about it. I think it is best I leave in

said, and

Before the werewolves struck, Mathias had decided to join the slave trade. Since he had lots of them, he was bound to make money off it. But unfortunately, Gabriel struck, and your mother was too weak to hold on to what

had this problem. No one would question your right or paternity,” he explained. “How do you expect her to hold

wicked. Had she come to ask me for an army to take Forest, I would have gladly lent it to

hand Forest to you when you are of age. Her weakness cost all of us dearly. Gabriel was now in charge of

section states that no king will attack a kingdom with

sister was a

her to chase her deep into the woods, hoping she would return to

go to Forest. Pushing her away was useless. She was weak and not a leader material, so I let her rot there. Our father would have killed her for disgracing our bloodline, but I

in the woods. I kept her there so people would believe she was dead, and I

had adopted your strategy. I would have

tell me he deliberately ensured my mother ran deep into the woods. He was sick. Their entire family was dysfunctional. I was indeed

could see him dropping the confidence and playful facade. He was about to say

opposing you is that your actions have proven you would not have the best interest of our people in

the lycan community and uphold our laws. I am not sure you will put your kind first or maintain

and werewolves have rights, they will relocate to Forest, leaving Snow and

and our defence will weaken. Werewolves are the best workers and very efficient in the army

little freedom will offset that

to keep our region safe because of this balance. Mathias saw the light. There are other kingdoms across the sea. They will overrun us if we do not have a strong defence and development. Everything

you have to

our best interest at heart and

of power to possess. I have to

the twenty-nine years he was in charge. Forest is behind. Hill and Snow are more developed than

would have believed you if it weren’t for the

tell me about how you

sleeps in

She has no collar.

can she

pamper her and even punish your

twenty- three people who voted in your favour

her sake and even put lycan halfbreeds to

you quarreled with your

you might abolish the

see it. You remind me a lot of Mathias when he was with Olive. He refused to sign the unity law because

abolish it for this woman’s sake,” He said, and I did not know how obvious my

had done an

Igham and my mother’s actions had made

patience and limits. I could not ignore their transgressions

you read wrong, your majesty,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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