Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 82 Deceit Uncovered (Nikolas POV)

I prepared myself for what was written in the letter I held in my hand. I was scared that I would discover something terrible and would have to take action against my mother.

The letter began with a formal greeting to someone named Cerf Dirk. It expressed the hope that the recipient was in good health and peace. The writer mentioned a troubling situation involving a person named Aa Smith, who had become intrusive and suspicious of their actions. They requested a temporary halt to their plans until the situation calmed down. “Dear Cerf Dirk, 2

I sincerely hope this correspondence finds you in a state of well-being and tranquillity. It is with a heavy heart that I address the current situation that has unfolded involving Aa Smith, a person who has become increasingly intrusive and suspicious of our endeavours. In light of these circumstances, I beseech you to temporarily suspend your plans until this turbulent storm settles.

Regrettably, Aa Smith’s disapproval extends not only to our associate, Asci Cauls but also to our collective actions. Just yesterday, they uttered words that conveyed their desire to sever all ties. I fervently hope that their stance will change in the near future, bringing forth reconciliation and understanding. The spectre of conflict looming over this region weighs heavily upon me, and I implore you to respect our heartfelt plea for respite.

Title of the document

Please be aware that this will be the final message you receive from our hand. Aa Smith, having emerged from their period of solitude, will henceforth wield full authority and control. I humbly entreat you to withdraw your

involvement, guided by the knowledge that Aa Smith will never compromise the well-being of their constituents. At this juncture, I gracefully withdraw from this endeavour, acknowledging that while I have done my utmost, I refuse to sacrifice that which is most precious to me to further the cause.

May you find solace and prosperity in your future endeavours.

With utmost sincerity,

Abel Isle,”

It seemed that Aa Smith’s disapproval extended not only to their associate, Asci Cauls, but also to their collective actions. The writer expressed a desire for reconciliation and understanding in the future, hoping that Aa Smith’s stance would change. They mentioned the heavy burden of conflict in their region and asked for respect and respite.

The writer informed the recipient that this would be their final letter. Aa Smith, having finished their period of mourning, would now have full authority and control. They requested the recipient to withdraw their involvement, trusting that Aa Smith would prioritise the well-being of their constituents. The writer gracefully withdrew from their endeavor, acknowledging that they wouldn’t sacrifice what was most precious to them for their cause.

The letter was signed with utmost sincerity by Abel Isle.

Although the writer ensured they avoided using specific pronounce to avoid giving away gender, I understood its contents.

I looked at Gabriel, seeking clarification.

He decoded the names mentioned in the letter, explaining that Aa Smith referred to Mathias, Abel Isle referred to Isabelle, and Asci Cauls referred to Isaac Lucas.

could confront my mother with its contents. However, I knew it was impossible to approach her using the anagram as evidence. She would find a way to escape it, and there was no guarantee she would tell the truth. It was her

she would do this,” I said, placing the letter

to a fight. I suspect those three

the king because he was in mourning. The damage they caused in just six months was immeasurable,” Abraham explained, handing me

that all Fredrick wanted was for Mathias to agree to the slave trade, he had bigger, undisclosed plans. Only he and Isaac Lucas knew of these plans, and

letter is a correspondence between Asci Claus and Cerf Dirk,” he pointed out, referring to the letter he had given me.

hand, fearing what it would reveal. Once something is known, it

greeting to Cerf Dirk and conveyed gratifying news about their plans yielding the desired

“Dear Cerf Dirk,

The population of interest has undergone a significant reduction, attributable to the

to your attention the hesitations exhibited by

have unfortunately impeded the progress of my work. Although the exact cause of their apprehension remains ambiguous, it is undeniably interfering with the seamless execution of our objectives. Regrettably, it appears necessary to take measures to silence

as it is crucial for me to receive

Yours Faithfully,

Asci Cauls”

the letter I figured

Abel Isles, which had hindered the progress of their work. Although the exact cause of Abel Isles’ apprehension remained unclear, it undeniably interfered with the seamless execution of their objectives. Regrettably, it seemed essential to silence both Abel Isles and Aa Smith to

of the letter


had never been interested in the Unity law; he had only

I questioned, and Gabriel reluctantly acknowledged that I

voice heavy with the weight of guilt. It was a miracle

who wrote the response sent to the werewolves?” I asked, but Abraham shook

learned, it’s evident that Asci Cauls sent that response, not Isabelle. At that time, Isabelle was trying to save her marriage and had

now understand why the king refused to grant her asylum,” Gabriel added, his

wasn’t just because she asked for her share of her father’s property; he was angry and disappointed. He must have expected

how could she, when she was

but to surrender. Isabelle couldn’t rule successfully in her husband’s place. Everyone wanted a piece of her, seeking retribution for their suffering and losses. Many lives were lost during those months. I had to send her

all of this. The downside was that none of this evidence was admissible,

all of this earlier, I would have targeted Snow instead of Forest. I would have slowly eroded his kingdom until I took it over. Now, I had

he wanted to replicate his ancestor’s conquest of Snow by conquering

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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